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Un-ban Appeal - DilanTheSkrub - 07/22/2016 (Denied)

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Active member
In-game Name
Joseph Zepol

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Disturbing Behaviour

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was apparently banned for "Disturbing Behaviour", which was probably because of the jokes I was making about Tanoan terrorists (Which does happen- Rebels)

Why should we unban you ?
The rule which would most likely fit what I said would probably be "(3.6) Roleplaying of questionable subjects like real life terrorism or questionable subjects like rape will not be tolerated if requested by someone involved to stop. "
In this situation, it was a friend of mine (The Bus Driver) and me just bantering around. I was making jokes about terrorism as Tanoa does have its fair share of Terrorists, as you can see by the rebels. So, as a joke, while we were driving around alone I decided to try and amuse the driver by saying that it was "Silent hill but with terrorists", due to the extremely thick fog and, as I said, the many terrorists there are in Tanoa.
Can I also say that in 3.6 it says "(3.6) Roleplaying of questionable subjects like real life terrorism or questionable subjects like rape will not be tolerated if requested by someone involved to stop. " "if requested by someone involved to stop." The bus driver, while we were driving around, never told/asked me to stop talking about what I was talking about. It was just a private joke between me and the bus driver, nobody else was involved except another bus driver we were messing around with.
And anyway, I was never "saying he would detonate himself if cops got on the bus etc.". I'm pretty sure that I said something like "Instead of Silent Hill jumpscares I would just allahu ackbar this bus" or something along those lines which, still, was just a joke between me and the bus driver, and he was completely fine with it. Nobody else was involved in this joke except for me and the bus drivers. It didn't offend anyone, all it did was make a bus driver's job a lot more bearable and a lot less boring. I don't see how what I did was wrong.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Jumped in a bus on Tanoa screaming ''Allahuakhbar'' all the time, saying he would detonate himself if cops got on the bus etc.

Don't you know what is going on in the world?

Jumped in a bus on Tanoa screaming ''Allahuakhbar'' all the time, saying he would detonate himself if cops got on the bus etc.

Don't you know what is going on in the world?
That is completely false, though. I said allahu ackbar once or twice in the bus, although I never said I would "detonate" myself. I never even hinted towards wearing a suicide vest or anything of the sort.

That is completely false, though. I said allahu ackbar once or twice in the bus, although I never said I would "detonate" myself. I never even hinted towards wearing a suicide vest or anything of the sort.
So the admin is lying? 

So why are you saying Alluh akbar then? 
I would say it in a joke with the bus driver, for example "Just imagine if somebody jumped on this bus and allahu ackbar'd us all"

And yes, I do know that some people would consider this offensive, although I would've stopped if anyone was offended by it. I never RPed as a terrorist, that I had a suicide vest, or anything of the sort.

You're denying everything the admin says. I don't think @Khandamirwould lie. 

I'm denying your unban appeal.

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