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Un-ban Appeal - dinoliam2002 - 18/07/19 <T>

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Combat logging

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i was bannand because when i was being robbed by an individual i un pluged my pc

Why should we unban you ?
i know this is not a good enough of an excuse but at the time of me playing i was heavly drinking and being the idoit i am i desided too play arma not thinking that i may not make the best jugdement. i know i have been warned in the past about combat logging but that was a long time ago and i have been contributing too your commuinity ever sincce by joining the police also posiden making a name for myself and helping others roleplay. i dont want this too be the end of my time on your servers as it is really the only good one out there and i love being apart of it when i unpluged my computer i was being silly yes and stupid but i ment no harm too anyone i dont remember who robbed me but if i can i will gladly give them my stuff as an apollegy for my actions. i do also understand you are a very serious and realistic roleplay commuinty and i am very sorry for this situation but im not a troll and i do love roleplaying and doing situations with people inside roleplay.co.uk i do not indend too repeat my actions i know now not too drink while playing it was a stupid mistake witch i completley regret.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

I don't really know where to start with this one. 

This is ridiculous. You got robbed in a video game and you were so upset by it that you unplugged your PC. 

Go find the rule you broke on the rules page, put it in your own words and explain why we have it. 

no i wasnt upset i was being silly because i was drunk i know why you have the rule 2.5 combat logging so the experience is realistic i do apolagise but it wasnt rage quit 

Ok so I suppose technically it was but I wasn't being salty it really was me just being silly 

I dont understand your question Qrow 

And no jefke your right just because I was drunk does not mean the rules do not apply to me and I have made a mistake 

I honestly do love to play on your servers i recognize my mistake and I know it was a stupid one and you have the right to be pissed at me but I do ask for forgiveness and I swear I didn't mean to do it I was just not thinking probably and did something I shouldn't have ido apologise although I have no right I want to be able to roleplay on your servers again I have been doing so for so long now Its grown on me and I love being apart of serious roleplay 

You have the the 2.5 rule rule combat logging too stop any exploiting of weapons/gear if any sort also to keep roleplay realistic 

I can honestly and truly say I will not drink as much as I did that night when roleplaying again and not be stupid and also never repeat these actions again 

If anything rulebreak like happens again, we won't be having this conversation. 

Here's your last ever chance. Use it wisely. 

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