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Un-ban Appeal - Funcy - 08/10/17 (Unbanned final chance)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for being very stupid and not reading the rules due to me not knowing if you get shot at by non lethals a counter initiation must be said before shooting back as it is classed as RDM I now know this and will never be an issue again.

Why should we unban you ?
I have been thinking about getting back into this server for a while now and released I'm ready to come back and hopefully for good this time. Before getting banned I the same day I finally got my role as a PCSO and was excited and ready to final join the police force as the rebel life was getting a bit stale and I wanted something different to do. The police would be great fun I think and I hope I get another chance inorder to give it a good go. Also I'm a member of the NHS and have been moved upto FA and would like to also get stuck into that as I final get to do patrol on my own and real experience the proper role play a medic has to offer. I know being these roles alone shouldn't get me unbanned but it proves I am a serious player on this server and I made a mistake and hope that I can join back the community and play with my mates on this again. If it's any conciliation I have also familiarised myself with the rules again to make sure I don't have to write another one of these :D

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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So since the incident leading to your ban there has been a change in the way we determine RDM cases.

Would you say what you did falls within the expectations mentioned in that post? If not why not?

I believe it is still breaking the rules, I understand what I did was wrong and apologies for it I can hold up my hands and say I messed up. After reading the new rules about the RDM system I would also say that my actions were down to the case of fail RP and would not be justifiable to the new rules as well but I have a very good understanding of this rule now and thank you for the thread.  

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If you could turn back time, taking the situation that lead to your ban into consideration, explain 'in detail' what you could have done / said differently and the possible outcome of your new approach.

There's also some question about your honesty within the player report. How can you assure us that you're being honest in your appeal?

Too be honest if I was too turn back time I wouldn't have done anything, It was pure stupidity I robbed a gun from a police officers foot then shot back and killed them. But in the scenario I would have ran to some form of safety then told the 2 officers involved too either put down there weapons or I shall take fire on them If they refused to comply with my request. Then when the gun fight has happened providing I even get to cover and initiate then provide a high form of RP for if I get arrested or for a execution if I feel like it is in order. I am being honest with everything I have said during this report I have put in a lot of time to try clear my name against any allegations about me and have been in various team speak discussions of what I could do as I am serious about returning to this server and community as a whole, I just hoe you think I am being sincerer.     

Rather than order the officers to put their weapons down and fire on them if they failed to comply, has it occurred to you that maybe you could just forget about having a gunfight altogether and actually try roleplaying the situation out?

This is currently your 3rd ban, and looking through your chat history, it's filled with heated exchanges with other players and persistent demands for people to come to TS, with and without staff involvement.  I'm starting to see a pattern here that perhaps it's all about gun fights with you. 

Why should we risk letting you back on our server, potentially having staff members time used up dealing with your future situations both in TS and on the forums?

Sorry I did not add this part they was shooting at me I think it got passed the point of conversation, I do enjoy high level of RP but sometimes gun fights are just part of it I don't seek gun fights they just happen from time to time. And me asking people to come in TS is too resolve solutions before taking it further as I know how annoying making appeals and not being able to play can be so I try to sort out the problem and get there side of the story, sorry but I don't see the problem with taking arguments rather than conversing through // in side chat. Hopefully I wouldn't need to argue as much when I am playing as a officer and maybe you can show me the ropes :D. But I hope you have faith that I will be fine I understand the rules fluently I really enjoy the server and won't mess up if I can help it.

Are you ready to follow the server rules from now on?
If you were to be unbanned what would you do ingame?

Yes I am ready to follow the rules, I have always tried to follow the rules just messed up a bit. If I was too be unbanned it would finally give me the chance to try out the police which looks like great fun and is something I've been interested in for a while and also the NHS as I became a first aider not too long ago and would be great to do patrols on my own and even show some students around.

You showed some maturity coming into team-speak and resolving the matter round the 1.6 you had in your name.
This will be your final unban don't make me regret this. 

Unbanned 21/11/2017

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