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Un-ban Appeal - Funcy - 16/12/17 (Denied)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Long beard

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I am not even sure why I got banned as they asked did I encourage him me and the guy both said no and they completely disregard it, not even too sure why they asked, With the admins that banned me it was completely on speculation and what they thought happened. I don't mean to sound rude to the admins but I feel like I have been dealt an injustices to which ever admin is reading. Right what happened was me and my mate Lukas were playing together chilling and roleplaying around a bit, it was getting quite late and as he was a PCSO he offered me 10 black carrier rigs and 10 black berets, I wasn't aware that I could be in jeopardy of getting banned. I thought nice free stuff I mean who doesn't like free stuff right! If I knew receiving said items could land me a ban it wouldn't have even crossed my mind to do such a thing. I will be honest and include that I tried to sell one on the auction house, and now see why it would be a server issue after talking to the admins as the economy would go corrupt if this stuff happened regularly, but seriously me receiving the items should not be worth a ban surely. Well that's my opinion on the matter anyway. Thank you for reading and I hope you consider unbanning.

Why should we unban you ?
As stated in the top paragraph I feel like I have been given an unjust ban, I really enjoy playing the server as you can tell from my hours (120 hours+ in the last 2 weeks) I have really been trying to get into the swing of things again, like I got promoted to Paramedic and finally had the opportunity to fly a chopper around saving people as it really enhanced my role play experience as I got to do a lot more revives and a lot more role play. Furthermore I have also been getting quite proficient in the art of the Role play HM Treasury's as I have successful done 2 this week and find them great fun and is interesting thinking of plots to use for them (here is one document p.s. I am slowing improving :D https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V9EROC_YpBs4LvA_pQNPB1AQhwhqBei5i0dzWdBJoHc/edit) this shows that I provide role play to the server and not just like some rebels that are shooty shooty, which is what this server is known for its best roleplay. I would also like to be unbanned because this server is one of a kind trust me I have been on most roleplay servers and none of them even come close, I know I have slipped up a lot but I am always learning from my mistakes hopefully you consider unbanning thank you for your time.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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So someone offers you 10 free carrier rigs and 10 free black berets and you don't bother to question where it has come from or check with the staff team, The only injustice here is the exploiting of free police gear.

Come on pull the other one! You guys knew 100% what you was doing and you was trying to profit from it... We wasnt born yesterday

The spike of earnings in for money graph for the last few days is now certainly brought into dispute, I believe you fully knew what you was doing and thought it was an easy way to pocket some cash.

Due to the nature of this if there is unban's then i will be treating it as exploiting with full profile resets.

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If someone offers you something that is brilliant like a one in a life time offer and I accept it baring in mind its like 4-5 in the morning the ramification didn't even seem feasible as rule 1.8 states Encouraging or making someone break the rules, which I did not I accepted the offer I am not sure how it is encouraging. And in reply to the spike of money as I have previously explained in the appeal above I have been doing role play HM successful pulled of 2 I would have had more money but I lost 6m of one. This wasn't an attempt for profit I don't need to "pocket some cash" I enjoy making money on the server, it is a sense of achievement. I think it is unfair if I get unbanned for my profile to reset as I don't even think I broke a rule and also I did not sell a single carrier rig or beret, I spent hours grafting for my money on this server, and for it all to be taken away for me accepting a hand out. P.s I appreciate the fast reply you are doing a great job, Thank you for reading.

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If someone offers you something that is brilliant like a once in a lifetime offer its usually in this servers case exploited or hacked in, Especially if its police equipment and they so happen to be a PCSO.

Now already there are claims that SOS were doing this by the truck load and there was other members involved.

I think its unfair that you have been listing items on the auction that we provide to the Police for free so they can have a worry free police roleplay experience without worrying about cash due to the amount of deaths they have on duty.

I think you need to stop playing dumb and step up to the fact you have knowingly accepted 20 items (that we know about) that have been obtained due to whitelisted permission abuse.

I would like to clear up that I did willingly take it I am not trying to act dumb and also I don't know if you have a problem with SOS or something but I can ensure you no one else was involved it was a one time thing so don't try pin the blame on anyone else. I know its unfair to list them but at the time of receiving 10 rigs I did not see the problem, as I have previously explained I completely understand that this would ruin the economy if done by many people. 

12/16/2017 4:05 AM - 9.1.2 / 1.8 - By CSI Long Beard on 12/16/2017
08/24/2017 4:02 PM to 11/05/2017 9:12 PM - 1.6 - By TomTheDoge on 24/08/2017
08/18/2017 1:12 AM to 11/21/2017 1:16 PM - Forum Report - By Matt on 18/08/2017
07/24/2017 1:28 PM to 08/01/2017 11:19 AM - Threats to report - By Aiden on 24/07/2017
12/09/2016 10:54 PM to 07/04/2017 9:18 PM - NLR - By Khandamir on 09/12/2016

Proctor at 07/23/2017 6:17 PMEditDelete

Was called to the scene to observe quickly realised he was there to waste time, piss poor roleplay with cops http://imgur.com/a/hEX03

Aiden at 07/24/2017 1:30 PMEditDelete

Moved from warning to ban applied due to chat history and receiving a warning yesterday.

TomTheDoge at 11/05/2017 9:15 PMEditDelete

1.6 removed as this was proved to me and Ram as his friend. Will still need to appeal the forum report.

Alfred at 12/05/2017 5:37 PMEditDelete

Given warning for Poor RP and Metagaming.

You've had a very interesting time on RPUK haven't you Funcy? In the time you've been here you've racked up a ban list and warning list that could be more than half the server combined. Why should be allow you back into this community when you obviously have a habit of breaking our rules? 

12/09/2016 10:54 PM to 07/04/2017 9:18 PM - NLR - By Khandamir on 09/12/2016

08/24/2017 4:02 PM to 11/05/2017 9:12 PM - 1.6 - By TomTheDoge on 24/08/2017

Were cleared up by Tom as I explained to him that it was my friend (its complicated). I can admit I have not had the best track record, but for this one I don't even see what rule I broke "banned for 9.12/1.8"  (1.8) Forcing or encouraging another member of the community to break a rule is punishable by a ban.  Me and Lukas both explained that I did not force or encourage him to give me them he offered me and I accepted that does not mean I encouraged him or forced him in any way. I know I have not got the best track record but I am an active member of the community and I try bring as much role play as I can to the server.  Also I apologies for making these errors, I am just as careful as I should be and hopefully if I get unbanned that will be changing, after seeing all the warnings and bans it has opened my eyes and I release that I need to watch what I am doing more.

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Errors? Once is an error, 3 bans is a joke and you're obviously just not getting this.

You've promised us repeatedly that you'd read the rules, never ever break them again pinky promise etc etc etc and turned out to be bollocks yet again!

What is the problem, is it that you've lied to us when you said you've read the rules? Is it that you're just unable to control yourself and follow those rules? Please enlighten us. 

I have played this server for a while now and people to tend to slip up from time to time, I know it’s not really an excuse as I do know people who have avoided bans, but I think I have been a bit careless at times which I know I should not be, this server is very strict on its rules, this is why it is the undisputed best. I have read the rules there is a lot of them to remember as there is 133 odd rules on the server it is quite hard to remember so many.  However despite my other bans I feel this one was unjust, before hearing our side of the story I was banned even though speaking to long beard prior to the ban he said I would not be, the reason he banned me was for encouraging Lukas to break the rules, which in the team speak we explained I did not encourage him he offered me them and I accepted.

I was banned even though speaking to long beard prior to the ban he said I would not be,
At no point did I say you would not be banned. 

The problem we have is that you still insist  you think your ban was unjust. You claim to not have encouraged Lukas  however during the discussion with staff, it was admitted by Lukas that you asked him, "What stuff can you get as a PCSO?" and Lukas told you. You then colluded with Lukas to exploit the system by sneakily filling your van with 10 carrier rigs outside a remote police station at 3:30 in the morning knowing fine well that there was a limited number of police on duty as well as staff. Your boy Lukas would have been able to see exactly where those few cops where on the map.   As soon as the transfer was over,  Lukas immediately logged off. You went on to list a carrier rig on the auction house as well as trying to sell some to people you met en route, thus trying to profit from your exploit. 

You may not have 'forced' Lukas into this, but you certainly conspired with him to pull this off.   A detailed conversation 'would' have taken place discussing the how, where and when.  Collusion. 

Why you still insist your ban was unjust is beyond me. If you still cannot see what everyone else can, then I have concerns, given your chequered past, that you have problems comprehending rules.

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It wasn’t planned it just happened to clear that statement up, also asking what can you eat as a PCSO shouldn’t be taken as malicious way, I was merrily interested as our whole gang was joining the police, also  I did not encourage him me and him both said I did not encourage him. Even though when you told Lukas the punishments would be worse if he gave them without me asking and he still admitted I don’t see what’s wrong, also with the selling of one I had just received 10 of them and did not need all of them so I sold one. And just saying when I asked you what’s going to happen you said your friends in a lot of trouble and then I asked will I be banned and you said no, then said will you be going off now and I replied no then you teleported me to athira garage.

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Prior to this incident were you aware of the rules regarding giving away police equipment?

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@CC Aiden No I had literally zero clue if I had even a sniff of being banned it would not have crossed my mind, I was offered the gear I was aware it may have been against the police rules of course, but I did not think I personally was breaking any rules by accepting the carrier rigs. This is how it started me and Lukas were playing quite late one night and we was bored and messing around, then he offered the carrier rigs I accepted I was unaware I was doing anything wrong. It was a very stupid act I understand why doing this would be very bad for the server in general I am very sorry for this, I know that if other people did the concept of role play could be lost as it will be shooty shooty as the gear would be free, which is what separates this server from the rest of them it is the top server (in my opinion) nothing compares to it literally I am lost with out it my hours have dropped in the last 2 weeks I am very bored of anything. Just to quote the rule I broke was 9.12 which is giving out gear as a police officer with out a good enough role play scenario which links into the 1.8 about encouraging/forcing someone to break the rules. I assure there was no encouraging nor even a discussion about this it was on the spot/ spontaneous. Well I appreciate the reply anyways thank you for reading and hope what you take what I said into consideration.

@CC Aiden No I had literally zero clue if I had even a sniff of being banned it would not have crossed my mind, I was offered the gear I was aware it may have been against the police rules of course
 I understand why doing this would be very bad for the server in general I am very sorry for this, I know that if other people did the concept of role play could be lost as it will be shooty shooty as the gear would be free
You've filled most of that with blurb without directly answering the given question, you could be a politician, however from the highlighted statement I will take it as you were aware that giving away police equipment willingly without a strong roleplay cause was against the rules. If that is indeed the case did you not think to voice your concern to Lukas or did you not concern yourself about the repercussions he may face as a result of what he did?

If that isn't the case however, your spotty history, detailed by Madmatt shows several bans, therefore several appeals which all include the following statement: 

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

So you've either lied on several unban appeals or you knew about the rule and had absolutely no regard for the consequences Lukas would face if caught, which is it?

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The milkman one was a different guy that was talked to about Tom the doge, but I am flattered about the politician comment although I believe I did not believe at the time I would get in trouble for someone giving me gear, I know it looks the way as it if was some master minded plan but that was certainly not the case with this one it was two idiots late at night doing something stupid. I was aware it was a police rule yes but not a server rule by any means, I have stated on multiple occasions during my unbans that I have read all the rules, too be quite frank I didn't even bother with the police or UNMC as I was never fully apart of one them (accept the police for a brief time), I also stated there was 133 odd rules to follow on this server and reading and remembering them got a bit overwhelming and is hard to remember them all. I actually have read all the rebel rules and any rules that I thought would have applied to me personally. Also as stated if I knew this was a server rule break on any of our behalves regardless of the time, it would not have crossed my mind. Thank you for the swift reply and for reading.

when I asked you what’s going to happen you said your friends in a lot of trouble and then I asked will I be banned and you said no, then said will you be going off now and I replied no then you teleported me to athira garage.
I have reviewed my recording, and can again, categorically confirm I didn't say this to you so not sure why you're adamant that I did.  You're expecting us to believe your story, yet dishonesty is still coming to the forefront. 

Chat transcript from my recording:

Rav : Do you know what's going to happen to him?
LB : Yes mate he's going to get banned
Rav : What? Police ban or server?
LB : Eh, server ban mate, it's in the server rules that police aren't allowed sell their gear.
Rav : Yeah but he wasn't selling, he gave me it for free.
LB : Or give it for free, I'll give you the rule you can go read it yourself.
Rav : He said he didn't realise how much trouble he could get in for doing it.
LB : (pastes the rule), that's basically the rule he's broke.
LB : Right listen, I need to go and speak to someone, I'll take you to a garage alright? You can get a car out.
Rav : alright, um.

At this point I teleport you to Athira garage and no further conversation is had in game. 

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@CSI LONG BEARD it was not dishonesty it was a mistake I thought as you teleported and allowed me to continue you let me go. Sorry for being adamant. It was late and it’s still quite patchy what happened.

Am surprised your still around here with all those problems that you caused, then this latest incident doesnt look good on you at all. As a precaution your account will be dropped to 100k, and on top of that you will recieve a PERM ban. You knew what you were doing, theres absolutly no trust in you playing around here any more, you may appeal in 6 months again.

Unban denied

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