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Un-ban Appeal - Handy - 18/11/17 (Denied)

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Morgan Boswell

Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
oliver v2

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
(posted on behalf of handy)

I asked @Oliver V2 to ban me as all of my friends were banned and i wasn't going to play anymore (he can confirm this)

Why should we unban you ?
A lot of my irl friends have recently started playing on the server and i would like to have the chance to play with them again. I know that in the past I have associated with people who could be classed as 'toxic' however i have always attempted to be neutral and mature in situations. I know that myself and the group of morrisons did not have the best reputation whilst leading up to our bans. Some of it is my fault as I did not attempt to rectify the actions of the gang in the last days however I cannot take blame for another's actions. I am merely asking for a very final chance, just to come on every once in awhile and game with my IRL friends rather than play the game for 'frags' or being seen as cool as were my previous intentions. I now realise that i was just merely corrupting the playerbase, and for this i do take responsibility. I didn't want to leave the server harming anyone or 'going out with a bang' per se, hence asking for the ban instead.

I felt as if this was the most mature way of going about things, and if I'm being honest, the game was interrupting my school work and I felt a ban was the only to get myself 'unhooked'. I am not suggesting this is an excuse just merely a contributing factor for asking for the ban.

Regarding the forum account that I registered and used shortly, it was mainly there for when I wanted to appeal and to also check on other appeals and forum-happenings in the meantime. It was made with no malicious intent and I apologise for attempting to circumvent the ban @Jason2005

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I’m not sure why Alex is leaving racist comments, as i haven't spoken to him in about 2-3 weeks. I can only assume is disapproves of me making this appeal however I’m just attempting to play with my IRL friends.

Me and handy were mates, when the rest of morrisions was being banned he caught on that it was probably a blanket ban. He messaged me saying bye and that he was going to play with his friends on another server, I said bye and told him to keep in touch, he then asked me to ban him due to it being the best course of action so if he ever wanted I return he was able, meaning he couldn’t make it worse for himself. I then banned him as that was what the rest of Morrison’s was getting.

As far as I’m aware he didn’t break anymore rules but I don’t fully know.

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Lets kick this off then. This is not the first blanket ban you have been associated with. What have you been up to since the Morrisons blanket ban?

Since the ban, i did play on another server for a little while. The starting grind got boring quick so I stopped playing around 3 weeks ago. Since that I’ve just been in my personal teamspeak with my friends playing games like fortnite and terraria.

Cheers for looking at the appeal

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