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Un-ban Appeal - Hector-ERGLIS - 28/06/18 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
2.2 (RDM)

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I have been banned because of my report in which can see how i broke the 2.2 rule. It was stupid to submit the report for someone breaking the rules in the case where i broke as well. In scenario i gave twice warning and count down (3 to 1) where a player rejected to listen (tryed quick as possible to get to atm) then i shot two bullet in the head and after it executed (with an rp) because of ignoring us.

Why should we unban you ?
I should be unban''ed because i am one of the people who roleplay in this server. I dont like robbing people or killing without a reason. In this case i had to rob him so we (me and friend) can buy a vehicle in which case we failed. If i do robbery i do rob only maximum 65% of the money, and i do not love killing people without a reason. I very like this server because my friends play here and here sometimes is nice community. If i will get unban i will promise to help staff dealing with these kind of roleplay (count down/rdm/low rp) like i done it in my report. I thought it is normal because thats how the gangs usually do and i can proof it if i will get unbaned. I think the more people with good understanding of game and kind it is good for community. I had two warnings yes - one for not knowing (common sense) rule which should be detailed a bit but yes i understand you. Second - in rp i called one person a ''gay'' because he was using pink cuff's (no offense just rp). It was stupid i know but it was in the roleplay. I will try my best to not seen my nick name in banned list.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Can you explain to us how a quality roleplay robbery should be done? And not like how you did it?

A good quality robbery should not be "Running after people saying hands up" - it was so low, i know but it was kinda late, i was tired. Next time i would try to make an ambush - "One person follow from back, talks to the subject while another two or three are at the atm waiting for my command, when command is given in local chat, people blocks the atm with human shield or vehicle, asks for the tax but before do that asks to go somewhere quite like buildings, without killing"... But i think i will not rob anyone anymore, i think its low when someone works hard hes 30 min to get that mill. 

In this hypothetical robbery, what would you be saying to the other person to get them to hand over their money? Try and be specific.

-A man walking/running after the money man: "Hey you there, business man! (Loudly) You have two choice, to stop right now and speak with me or end up in the black plastic bag thrown in the river, take your time think about it"

If the business man choice the black bag... "I gonna use all my power to stop you right now, be careful what do you choice. I dont like warn people three times so"

If person co operate, walk somewhere quite in the building and do the job. And without killing the person!!!

If runs away give one more warning using the power to stop the person. Simply knock it out. Move the person in quite place and do the job.

Just saying - the roleplay i wrote it is prety simple yes, but in this case its hard to think about it, have to act very quickly. All the robbery/killing/etc there is not much to roleplay about it, my experience in robing people is low, from real life. And if the server is called roleplay, i cant do properly 100%  the roleplay as it should be and as we already know lot of people do not do that. TO be honest i want to see an example's of the roelpalay a proper ones..

There are hundreds or even thousands of way people can get robbed. 
Scout out the situation, adapt and approach.

Quote us the rule and explain it to us in your own words.

(2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).

Killing or hurting people without an good or any reason! Like i done - i just shot two bullets in head, in which case i should knock out instead, Cant just kill a person with a that reason - if he runs away and ignor's me. A good reason would be gang war, in which case you SHOULD not look at the gang name but investigate closer. 

So if i am correct looking from my roleplay, there cant be robery's like counting? And / Or whats about the vehicle? - "Stop or we will shoot" is not the way it should go? I just want to know in future so i can make some reports. 🙂

It is worrying what you have said in your last comment. It makes me feel that you have no t learned from your mistake. Also, you do not play here to get people reported. 

Have a good read that f this post and then answer me your own questions you asked in your previous post. 

I ask the question from my last post, last line because i wanted to show your answer to the staff member x who was doing that all the time! 🙂 So probably now he is thinking about it! I dont think i ever done such a bad roleplay like that from vehicle but this how i got banned yeah, i killed because i was mad of the person breaking kind roleplay just for going to the atm and then after it doing NLR. If you (staff members) think i cant roleplay we can try to simulate in the game. In game i was not roleplaying robberys much and killing, because i dont really see a rp server where everyone is killing someone, not fun.

Have you read the post that I linked to you in my last post?

Yes i did and i did answered. In quick words - i wrote that only because to show the proof from the other staff members. And the answer is NO, you cant roleplay like that, it is called low rp. 

We are willing to give you another chance, but you will need to be carefull and use what you have learned here.
We dont want to see you back here.


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