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Un-ban Appeal - iM B3N - 28/12/18

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Ben Shelby

Well-known member
United Kingdom
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
For saying "`Admin up your game"

Why should we unban you ?
Due to the fact I understand that it was rude and i should not have said it, the only reason I said it was because the hacker sprung up up into the air for the second time this week and it just annoyed my but i understand that you staff/admins struggle to keep control of the low life hackers, thanks.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Why will you make a comment like that when we do not get paid to be here ? 

And why do you blame the admin for a hacker that is coming on the server ?

I shouldn't of said it, you guys do your best to keep the server in good shape, I was having a bad day but that is still no exception for me to have said that, I didn't blame the admin for the hacker coming onto the server I just took out my feelings on someone I shouldn't have.

Okey, Ill break some things we come up when there is a hacker. 

So we are playing or be on admin duty, Suddenly every single people dies. First thing we do is ping discord, Tell other staff there is a hacker. 
Every staff that is av. Will come on the server and help, So you could be watiching youtube or a movie. But whenever that discord pings with hacker. every staffmember av. will come help. First thing we have to do is find the hacker, We have multiple ways of doing it, But its not easy. So whenever we find him. we still have to deal with a server full of dead people, alot of them was doing runs, So they probally lost their trucks with goodies. So now the hacker is gone we can revive every one. Luckily we got a revive all button. Makes it alot easy for us. so all the people who have gear. Will keep their gear, But now we still got the people who lost their truck and their goodies. So that means we tell them to come to ts. And we can start to compensate them. But this time we had a very small timeshedule as this hacker did the attack just a couple minuts before restart. And while we are busy helping people, in our free time... We get someone like you telling us to UP our game... 

So tell me how did that comment helped you? 
How did that helped anyone else? 

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My comment toward the admins didnt help you guys, it just made your admin job alot worse, there was no point in me saying that, I understand it was rude of me to say that, if you do decide to give me another chance on the server, I will respect you guys alot more now that I fully understand that you guys use your free time to keep the server at its amazing standard that it is. 

i Hope this was a one time thing, Because next time we will not go light over this. 

Unbanned 03/01/2019
Locked and Moved

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