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Un-ban Appeal - isp25 - 07/18/2017 (Unbanned 26/07/2017)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Threats to report

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because i had broken RP by saying that i am going to report the person. After consulting the rule book i have realised what i have done wrong. I was reported for typing and saying threat full comments about potentially reporting someone in a note using // and through direct comms.

Why should we unban you ?
I should be unbanned because this is the first time breaking a rule on RPUK. i have only been banned for a few days and i am already starting to miss it. Hopefully if i do get unbanned i will read the rules thoroughly so that i cannot be banned in future.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

(2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice. The rule says that you are not allowed to break rp when someone else has broken the rules. This means that if you see someone breaking the rules you can't just say I am going to report you because that is breaking rp and that's why I go reported for saying I am going to report you.

If I see people breaking the rules I will carry on the RP and I will record it and put it on the rpuk. I could pass them a note if they do not know themselves what they are doing wrong

Because i thought i could just go on the server without reading the rules. Now after reading the rules i will be able to have better RP and overall a better player

I wanted to ask one more question, it seemed like you got angry that someone was camping a drug processor as this is from your chat log:

//you are getting reported cus u been camping the processor

You may be ready to follow the rules but what will stop this heat of the moment from happening again?

The things that will stop the heat is that I will know that I will be banned. Also it is bad RP so it's going against the server rules. Another I will do is take it up with the police department and most likely speak with them in teamspeak. If I do get angry enough I will fully listen to the officer then if I have any questions about being unfairly punished I will talk to the police department.

Because i thought i could just go on the server without reading the rules
this is quite shocking, When i join a server the first thing i do is read rules, So i am sure i dont break any. 
How can we be sure you read the rules this time. Because from all what i know, you can easily tell i read the rules. 
But did you actually read them ?  

Yes I have read the rules so I will what to do  in tense situations. I read the rules after I got banned from the server.

Okay if that is indeed the case, please quote and explain the following rules;

1) 2.2
2) 5.1
3) 4.2

2.2- (2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM)

RDM is when you kill a player for no reason. You can only kill when you are have engaged with the other player via RP. You also can't kill in the government zone because that is a bannable offence but you can kill on sight if you are in the red zone.

5.1- (5.1) A new life starts, when: 

Your character has been killed by a cop. Your character has died in a RP situation. Your character has been involved in an accident.

When you die you are new person so your charges have been dropped so you can walk free. You have a new identity and you can't back to the place of because of NLR rule.

4.2- (4.2) Name Tags - You are not allowed to identify players in game via nametags or keychains. 

You are only allowed to identify a person if they give you there name. People with ranks are different because you are only allowed to identify by their ranks. If you don't follow rule you will get reported then reported.

alright i gonna give you a shot on our server again. 
Make sure to follow the rules, And don't disappoint us. 

UNBANNED 26/07/2017

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