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Un-ban Appeal - Jack Kinch (Denied)

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Well-known member
Passed out under a Hemit Box in Kavala
In-game Name
Jack Kinch

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Combat Log

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
The reason I was banned was because I was accused of combat logging. It looked like that from the perspective of the viewer and the admin who was controlling his Admin camera and I completely understand that. I had extremely bad internet connection at the time and everything was buzzing for me even the sounds of the gang members who were robbing me. When they robbed me they told me to put my hands up and I did and they robbed me, during this time everything started lagging on the whole server, everything was completely still, people were running on the spots and when the server finally worked I only heard robotic/spastic sounds of the robbers talking to me. After my internet went back to normal I started walking away from the spot and when I thought I was far enough away and the rebels were not even talking to me and they would have gone for the whole time I decided to log off. After waiting the 10 second timer of logging off and pressing the button to log off I was shot on the spot, after that the normal message of thanking me being on the server came and I thought that it might have been a some kind of a bug.

Why should we unban you.
Altislife.co.uk has been my favorite community for my whole time in ARMA, I have been playing with this community since the days when there were maximum of 20 people playing on the servers. It is a shame that I got banned for a mistake like this and I understand the point of view of the admin and of the player who was robbing me. The person who was one of the rebels who robbed me was TI Rambo, I have apologized to him and he accepted my apology. During the admin view video the admin who was controlling the camera was looking at the situation and left after I got told to put my hands up, he left and went to the Hospital to look what was going on in there, during this time I put my hands down and started going away (this was during the time when the whole server was lagging for me) while thinking that the rebels were done with robbing me. Just as I disconnected I saw the message that I was killed. My body also teleported half across the map for some reason, after that it gave me the message of “Thank you for playing in Altislife.co.uk”. After that I was on TeamSpeak with my clan and the leader said that in the bottom left hand corner it said that I was banned for combat logging. After this I knew that there was no way to come back to the island because of the ban of getting from combat logging but I still decided to put up an unban appeal because at the time combat logging was not a perm ban. I was then denied on the forums.

Timings for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iyETqLbxbY&feature=youtu.be

Time admin left: 00:10
Time admin came back: 00:32
Time of disconnecting: 1:00

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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This player has gone out of his way 5 months down the line to come and apologize to me for what happened and i have accepted his apology. Maybe @Crumble could take this into consideration. Thanks

This player has gone out of his way 5 months down the line to come and apologize to me for what happened and i have accepted his apology. Maybe @Crumble could take this into consideration. Thanks
Thank you for accepting my apology this means a lot to me.

Yeah its nice that you apologize, but you are still lying. When I spoke with you on TS, you first said "I was logging off before they started robbing me, so I didnt even hear them initiate". Then when I asked you how you put your hands up if you were in the log off timer, you came up with another story. After that you have just added things along the way, for example first one of the mics were buzzing, then it changed to everything was buzzing.

If you had come clean here, apologized and stood up for your actions, I would have probably unbanned you since you did apologize to Rambo and all. But lying is a nope for me. That shows what kind of person you are.


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