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Un-ban Appeal - Jack Sonia (Denied)

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Jack Sonia

Active member
In-game Name
Jack Sonia

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Second Acc.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
after half a year that i didn't play on the server i decided to come back, i came back with my friend. and i remembered that he had alot of money, so i asked him to give me some money because i just came back. he gives me 2m, and after 1 day i got ban. i asked the admin why i got ban, he said that i duplicate money and that why i got banned. and then i asked my friend did you duplicate these money? he said yes, so i deleted him from steam and i stopped playing arma 3, and then i sold my steam account because i needed money [IRL], after few months i got a new account and i decided to come back and play on the server. i forgot that i had a ban for [ money dupe ] in the past, and then my friend ali reminded me that i was banned, so i left the game and i tried to make unban appeal, but i had internet problems, the next day i tried to make unban appeal but it was denied. i think that the admin, did not understand my english and did not understand my story probably.
about xrdhh this is not my account this is my freind i told him to join the server he did not know the rules so he got banned. he was in a holiday with his family, so he asked me to make unban appeal for him. (This is xrdhh http://stats.altislife.co.uk/getplayer.php?playerid=76561198064621429 )

Why should we unban you.
i'm a very old member of the community, i did not mean in any way to break any rules and i'm very sorry if i did. i would love to have my final chance so i can come back and play with my friends and take a part of the biggest rp community again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I'm confused, is this your only account or do you have another?

listen.i had account with arma 3 with and a lot of games i sold it for money 

i got a new one for brithday if it help you.. 

this is my only acc now. i will not change it..

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