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Un-ban Appeal - jackeM - 08/17/2016 (Unbanned)

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New member
In-game Name
Jack Lawford

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Vladic KA

Reason given for your ban.
Killing medic

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
An event happened in which I shot my gun and a medic drove past and a bullet hit them and killed them after we were being chased from robbing a gas station

Why should we unban you ?
As you can see in my video here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ude8Xjs-A88 Me and a friend were robbing a gas station, heard sirens and drove away, when the car came into our view we noticed it was the medic car but were unsure why a medic would be chasing us as there was nobody injured and we thought it was a cop. We tried to lose the medic, when I tried to turn into a road we crashed so I took warning shots towards the car that had been chasing us. The "medic" in the car was not shot or injured in anyway but instead a medic in a red pickup truck was shot by complete accident, I never had any intention to kill any medic, all I wanted to do was escape any police that would be following us for trying to rob a gas station

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Video is private, please change and tag me when done, ill look at this tomorrow

Your video shows you RDMing the medics regardless. Sirens do not count as valid initiation, you cannot shoot just because a cop/medic has their sirens on. 

Your video shows you RDMing the medics regardless. Sirens do not count as valid initiation, you cannot shoot just because a cop/medic has their sirens on. 
So trying to ram someone off the road is not a hostile initiation?

If they are breaking rules like that possible vdm or breaking a medic rule possibly. do not take it into your own hands. instead, inform staff or if they are not around, try to talk to them after or if it calls for it, report. Actions like does not excuse you from the rules to also break them.

If they are breaking rules like that possible vdm or breaking a medic rule possibly. do not take it into your own hands. instead, inform staff or if they are not around, try to talk to them after or if it calls for it, report. Actions like does not excuse you from the rules to also break them.
Alright, I understand that now, just at the time I found it extremely unusual for a medic to chasing us and trying to ram us off the road with their sirens on, in the moment since I was driving I couldn't do much except try and get out of the situation, what I did was very wrong as I took the wrong approach to the situation and I should of had my friend use the mobile to ask the medic or admins what is happening. I was wrong to take this into my own hands and apologize for this. In the moment I assumed an officer was using the medics car for whatever reason, which I now know was wrong, a medic car should always of been treated as a medic was in it. Two wrongs do not make a right. I have now learnt from my mistakes and would never shoot towards a medic car again, and would recognize the VDM and report it.

Unbanned - i do not want to be seeing this again. this is on your last chance

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