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Un-ban Appeal - Jari_S - 08/06/2017 (Denied - Permanent)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I have been banned because I called someone who I was in a car crash with a "Faggot" and a "Homosexual".
This person turned out to be a member of the staff team and banned me.

I was warned before for using language for what it's not meant for and unfortunately for myself and others I did not learn of this mistake.

Why should we unban you ?
Because I can be and will be a devoted player who follows the rules in the way they are supposed to be followed.
I intend to play on this server the way it was designed, and I have reasons to do so.
In the short 8 hours I have played this server today I have made some friends which is also the reason I am writing this appeal and putting effort into this appeal.

A couple of hours before a person I had met warned me that he wants to play with me because he likes me and that I should read all the rules and not get banned, well I did read a big portion of it but unfortunately I did not realize how strict of a server this was (Yes, even after seeing how long the list of rules where).
I really want to play this server the way other people can enjoy it too and I would not be writing this if it where not the truth, if I where here just to troll and to come&go I would not put effort into writing and application for a server I got banned on if I only where here to break the rules and troll.

I really regret saying that but I hope you guys also see that what happend just right before caused a lot of frustration and causes people to snap for a second, I know this is not an excuse to call people "faggots".
And I hope you guys believe it when I say that I really do not hate gay people for what they are or what group they belong to, I'm a person that judges individuals not groups, this might be too ironic to be true but I actually am a bisexual guy and I went through a struggle of accepting myself for what I am.

You might think "What does this have to do with anything?", well I'm just trying to make clear that I really don't discriminate people for their ethnicity, race or religion, it might not seem like this is the case from what I've said in the direct chat but it really is.
It's just very easy for me to forget that there might be people around that actually might get offended by what I say while not meaning it while they can't know if I do really mean these words.

I promise that I will behave myself and follow the rules accordingly, I have read the rules and will be rereading them at least a couple of times tomorrow (It's already 0:40 here).

Thanks for reading my application.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Why should we unban someone who seems to disregard our warnings, and carries on doing things deemed unacceptable.

Why should we unban someone who seems to disregard our warnings, and carries on doing things deemed unacceptable.
Because I intent to behave like a "example player" if I have the possibility to return to the server.
And I am willing to prove my devotion to this server by even writing a multiple page essay detailing what I did wrong and why, it really wouldn't bother if I had to do that in order to get unbanned.

I'm willing to do anything that proves my regrets and promises are genuine.
And I am really hoping on an opportunity to do that.

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I was warned before for using language for what it's not meant for and unfortunately for myself and others I did not learn of this mistake.
so how can we be sure, that you will this time listen when a staff member says to not say that kind of words again ? 

so how can we be sure, that you will this time listen when a staff member says to not say that kind of words again ? 
I would be lying if I where to say that you can be 100% sure, but I don't think it's quite common for an offender to "recommit" offences if he/she where to have a reasonable amount of effort put in getting pardonned of their previous offences.
I don't see the point of putting efford into getting unbanned just to offend for the "lolz" because if these where my intentions I would just move on to the next server.
Only a fool would do such things in this scenario.

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I don't see the point of putting efford into getting unbanned just to offend for the "lolz"
i think you would be surprised how many people actually try this. 
quote me the rule you have broken and explain in your own words please. 

(1.2) Discrimination of any kind is punished by a permanent ban without appeal.
Any form of excluding/targeting people based on who/what they are is punished by a permanent ban without an appeal.

I ignored the last part because I was told I could apply...

so why should we ignore the fact this is actual a permanent offence, And give you a chance? 

so why should we ignore the fact this is actual a permanent offence, And give you a chance? 
I'm kind of tired of sugar coating myself, I don't know why I wasn't instantly denied in the first place with this then.
I don't see what my ability to answer questions on why you should accept me back in decreases the chances of me offending again.
If it's devotion in time then I said I'm willing to write an essay on what I have done wrong and why it was wrong...

So please can we end this with a yes, no or a demand.
If you want me to prove that I won't offend by showing devotion then I will.

Let me make this quite plain, you have done something that violates a serious server rule. You may find this process might be an inconvenience, however it will be drawn out until we are satisfied we can unban/deny.

Please note that this is a punishment, not an inconvenience. All bans on Roleplay.co.uk are permanent unless successfully appealed. 
You have just made this really easy. Denied. Come back in 6 months.

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