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Un-ban Appeal - jelle_boris_mijnout - 03/07/2017 (Denied)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
calling people "Metagaming cunts"

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for saying bad words towards other players on the server. It was in the heat of the moment and I apologize to any people that were offended by my comments. I admit my mistake and I hope we can move on from this incident and I swear it will never happen again.

Why should we unban you ?
I have learned from my mistakes and I will never offend any other players that are on the server outside of the ooc chat. Another reason on why you should unban me is because i'm usually not that toxic towards other players ,but I was really enraged by the whole situation that escalated as it did.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

I can understand that people make mistakes and in the heat of the moment we can say things we don't mean however looking over your logs I notice this is not the first time. 

08/01/2017 11:36

08/01/2017 11:36

On top of this, I notice that you've threatened to report people as well; 

13/01/2017 15:49
[20] Jelle
//green zone officer

13/01/2017 15:49
[20] Jelle
//green zone

13/01/2017 15:50
[20] Jelle
//thats fail rp

13/01/2017 15:50
[20] Jelle
//you bout to be banned

13/01/2017 15:50
[20] Jelle
// yeah my friends getting admin

Granted, this was just before you said what you said in side chat which led to your ban.

What I would like you to do is;

  1. Explain what I stated above in regards to it not being the first time you've had chat outbursts & Threatened to report people.
  2. Can you please quote the rule you broke and then explain it to me in your own words. 
so the RDM that time actually was RDM i think that was when someone got out of his car we walked up to speak with him and he just shot us. note im not sure about that one. And the ones about the green zone was because my very nice friends told me you could have weapons out in green zone and that didnt appear to be true so yeah i just got confused and pissed off because i thought it was fail rp.  i think i was banned with the rule. Dont bully, wich i am not sure about since i can not see why i was banned anywhere. also i find bullying a wrong reason in this case.  something like dont swear or dont offend people wouldve been better. But i think it means that you shouldnt repeat repeatetly insult the same player in span of 5 minutes. I do hope this is the kind of answer you were looking for. 

You did not get banned for what you stated you got banned for. 

Take time, read the rules and then quote what rule you think you broke as well as explaining it in your own words for me. 

then i dont have a reason for my ban if that isnt my reason. it was said to me you are getting banned for bullying people. because as i stated called them  "metagaming cunts" i cant find the reason anywhere else if this is not it you will have to tell it to me.

Clearly I need to enlighten you as to what the issue here is...

13/01/2017 15:57
[20] Jelle
If you truly think saying something like that isn't an issue you are not welcome here. Denied.

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