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Un-ban Appeal - Jinx a - 08/26/2017 (Unbanned 03/09/2017)

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Jinx a

Well-known member
Ur mums house👌
In-game Name
Jinx Jingtai

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Me and my friend were driving after a hemet box that was heading to Aluminium processor and we had been killed by dsync at Kavala. The player in the Hemet Box had been kicked which made this occur. Later on a red suv drove by and we shouted in role-play we need a blood bag. the person stepped out of the vehicle and typed in direct chat saying that it wouldn't let him buy a blood bag when he had 100k cash on him. I told him while i was in very low blood that i believe in reincarnation to role-play my self as i will be back. When i had died the I had spawned in Kavala, got out a suv and drove to the guy as he apparently picked up my gun of my body as i told him to look after it as history if reincarnation was not a thing. I went up to him and he told me it didn't let him pick up the weapon. A man approach us during the conversation offering us weed for a price of 5k each. i told my friend on discord that we will set him up by me paying then we would rob him so i get my money back. when we did the transaction i pulled out a gun and told him to "SIR PUT YOUR HANDS UP RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I WOULD USE LEATHAL FORCE ON YOU!!!!" Then he was turning around in some sort of way he was about to pull a weapon and i told him: "STOP TURNING AROUND OR ELSE I PULL THE TRIGGER AND DONT PULL A GUN OUT" He kept turning around and i had gave him another chances and when i saw him pull out something i shot him. He pulled out a binocular which made me thought it was a gun but i also did tell him to stop turning around and he still was so i had a right to kill him in the first place. At that time of moment I had been kicked of the server by an admin called Drew because of NLR.

Why should we unban you ?
You should unban me as I am a very experienced and have been in the community for a very long time. The reason I broke the following rule NLR was because i had been playing on REDACTED and REDACTED which made me forget about the rule NLR as i have been playing a lot on these servers which just forget about this rule. I am aware of what the meaning NLR is. NLR stands for New life rule. This means you can not return to the same spot or be around the location you had died around 1km. Also the way i had died was from dsync as the driver of the hemet box had been kicked of the server. Also I did a unban appeal and a reached up to a point when I was asked by Jefke: "What can you bring to our community, if we choose to unban you? " I was in Turkey at the airport at the time and my flight had been delayed for the next 28hrs so I had no chance too respond.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Continuing from your last appeal: What can you bring to our community, if we choose to unban you? 

Hi @CC Aiden 

I can bring great RP, lots of socialising, fun challenges, good driving, piloting, follow by the rules in best form, become a well known RP player towards people and a good citizen. (I can't think of anything else😂 also its my birthday 🎉 )

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Well I hope you had a great birthday.

I hope you have learned from your mistakes and I also hope you do not waste this opportunity I am giving you. 

Unbanned for your FINAL chance. Don't blow it. 

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