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Un-ban Appeal - Joe Appeal - 09/15/2017 (Unbanned 11/10/2017)

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Joe Appeal

In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for making a joke about the Malden DLC coming out.

Why should we unban you ?
It was meant as a joke at first, but it soon turned into a messy argument. Am sorry if I caused any unneeded drama, I was frustrated that the map had not come out, and was trying to make a funny joke about it. I know the staff put a lot of work in the community and there was no need for me post something like this.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Why did you think this would be a wise idea? Our volunteer developer team put unbelievable numbers of hours into creating content for you to enjoy and you mock them, how do you think this made them feel?

I was only doing it as a joke to start off with, thats why I did it in the joke section, but it just escalated out of control from there, I feel if people saw it was a joke to start off with it might not have gotten as bad. I know that the thread would have made the developers feel annoyed and angry, and in hindsight it was a bad idea. I was just making a joke that went too far.

so if it is a joke, it is okey for you to do it ? 
It started off a joke yes, but it got out of hand, it was my fault that it got out of hand, I turned it from a joke into more of a drama/hate thread which was not my initial target.

A Joke or not It was not a very wise move. No context and not funny. However do you understand why a Joke like that can be so Insulting to the Development team?

If you do please explain to us why before we consider Unbanning you.

A Joke or not It was not a very wise move. No context and not funny. However do you understand why a Joke like that can be so Insulting to the Development team?

If you do please explain to us why before we consider Unbanning you.
I understand that the joke was insulting to the development team, and looking back at it, it looks very ungrateful for what the development team has done. I am sorry for telling the joke and insulting the development team.

A Joke or not It was not a very wise move. No context and not funny. However do you understand why a Joke like that can be so Insulting to the Development team?

If you do please explain to us why before we consider Unbanning you.
Please answer the questions fully.

Please answer the questions fully.
The reason why I said the joke was because I was annoyed at how long it was taking for the map to come out, I am no developer so i don't know how much work and effort goes into a map. I enjoy the community and my frustration was out that if the map came out whilst Malden was still hyped up it would have also bumped the player count as well. I am truly sorry for what I did, sorry to @Wilco as he does put a lot of effort into the community, would be awesome if we had like weekly updates on how the map was going, but since it isn't coming out anymore that doesn't matter, sorry to all the other development team for the statement I made in the Joke section. 

Alright joe, a 1.6 community ban is normal a ban without appeal in some cases we allow people to appeal, As i dont want to waste anyone his time. 
i talk to wilco about this case, And see what he think. i would ask you to have some patience, as Wilco is busy. 
however, Feel free to message me on the forums to ask a sitrep. 

I have no issues with this member being unbanned.

I must say your thoughts about Malden and it upping the player count when it come out is pretty much a claim, Looking at stats from around that time and the servers that did go live (which were dead within weeks) I must disagree.

Tanoa unfortunately was a bad map, Malden is also however much balancing and work that was put into it we felt the experience wouldn't have been great so canned it, Your jokes didn't come across as jokes infact there was a few people just trying to cause nothing but a un-needed stir and i wonder how you would react at work people joking about your hard work ?

Anyway over to the staff team for their judgement.

Thank you @Wilco.

@Joe Appeal

I think you have waited your time. Take In to consideration all points mentioned by staff above. Dont make any other silly remarks in the future.

Game Account: (Unbanned 11/10/2017)

Forum Account/s: (Unbanned 11/10/2017)

TS Account: (Unbanned 11/10/2017)

Message me VIA Forum PM if i have forgot anything.

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