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Un-ban Appeal - kingrich1979 - 22/12/17 (Unbanned)

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united kingdom
In-game Name

Steam ID
kingrich1979 76561198347257427

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
csi long beard

Reason given for your ban.

3.7 baiting

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was playing with [SR]nElsai aka NEISAI steam id 76561198262494994 and [SR]THUG aka tristanthebest2 steam id 76561198284425956

both have also opened a disput but would like to make you aware we were all together and would all like to appeal [they have made separate disputes]

I was told on ts by staff that I cop baited and I agree after the descution that I may have done I did this unintentionaly and now see how that came across my intentions were not to I feel I need more time on the server to get things right
the story is that me and two of my gang members were in a chopper passing a petrol station that was being robbed we decided to land and get involved one guy ran into the field to keep cover nad me and my friend ran towards the cops dealing with the robbery I ran back to my chopper because another chopper was above mine and I wanted to escape but the police officer was on my tail and was shouting something at me so I got out forgetting to put my illegal weaping into the heli at this point the chopper was still above our heads very noisey I could not hear what the officer was saying to me so I asked him to walk with me away from the noise he then shot me in my back and arreseted me moving me into the lot of the petrol sation I then told him to let me go or my friends will do him over I said this twice he then said by who and then within seconds my friends opened fire on him I was still in handcuffs but as I am fairly new and not realy done much rp on the server until the past week or so I may have forgot a few rules and did not know that if a cop dies you are released from cuffs but I thought because I had bolt cutters and lock picks on me that I vut myself free I then pulled out my weapon but was shot by another officer. 

youtube  https://youtu.be/Z9Q7-sG7yF4

youtube extended version with kick/ban message  https://youtu.be/NhGe087j03Y

Why should we unban you ?
I have been an on off player for over a year but never really spent much time rp  I was just really trying things out and trying to make money since I joined.most of my 1000+hrs on arma 3  was spent on different game mode servers hence the low quality rp . I did not intend to bait but that is how it came across to the admin csi long beard who was spectating the action at the time.I will not do this again I will even spend more time trying to memorise the rules of the server even better. after playing almost every day for the past week or so trying to get better at rp  I enjoy what the server has to offer and I feel I could get into it. I know with experience I could do better at the rp and all I need is a second chance to improve myself at making my rp high quality witch is what the server is about and I would like you to at least consider un-banning me so I could excel and hopefully be a long term member of the rpuk server 

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Out of curiosity, do you consider the roleplay that you provided in this situation to be of high quality?

I'm fairly new and still learning it could have been better but that comes with experience I guess. I have played off and on for a while but never realy got into rp until the past week or so. I do admit I need to rp better and given the chance I will try my hardest I have read all rules taking more time to soak them in and try memorize as much as I can  

so my answer to your question is NO it was not high quality rp 

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So why should we unban someone who fails to follow the unban appeal process?

posting the comment was a mistake on my part I did not realise that posting a question on my appeal would bump the appeal and I have learnt not to do it as the appeals are low priority and patience is key sorry for doing this

So will you be able to follow server rules and provide the quality rp our server is known for?

I'm not going to lie and say I'm going to be the best at rp but as for following the rules and giving rp my best shot sure I will give it my best shot.

I do however believe my appeal has been dragged out considering the two other guys who were banned on the same day who were with me have been unbanned for a week now with formal apologies given to them confirming we should have never been banned in the first place 

that aside if you do choose to unban me I will be a good player and follow all rules 

we'll give you a chance on the server again. 

Kindly re-read the rules again and think a little bit more before you act.


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