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Un-ban Appeal - Laurence Vendetta - 06/13/2017 (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
Aberdeen Scotland
In-game Name
Laurence Vendetta

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I accidentally vdmed NPAS and a patrol car.

It started because I had a weapon on me and backpacks had despawned for some reason. I helped out a team-mate with his house getting robbed and used my tempest full of aluminium to get there. The robbers got away and so I headed into Kavala when I heard a two helicopters explode at Kavala Drug Dealer. I went up to see the ruckus and then left almost instantly. I got chased and stopped to speak to the officer, he requested to search the truck and I declined as I would lose my weapon. I got in my truck giving the SOS order to immobilise my vehicle. I didn't engage on the officer as I believe shooting the vehicle is different to initiation. However, the chase led on to a point where NPAS landed on the end of my bridge in Kavala as I was going 50km/h. I tried to swerve under the blades, but, I killed the officers nearby. I continued to drive in my distressed situation and tried to lose contact with police by turning into a compound and going downhill. However, a patrol vehicle was nearby and we collided. Killing me and the officer, a fairly decent officer too. I didnt mean for any of this to happen. The thought of all this about me losing £160,000 is ridiculous, I didn't help my case either by saying "Well, Goodbye RPUK" as I knew I was about to get banned for my actions.

Anton's POV:

Why should we unban you ?
I love this community. Having the opportunity to come back was a heaven sent delight too. I understand that my actions may not portray my feelings toward this community, however I understand that I had my last chance, and that was it wasted. Although, I wish I had the chance and working ShadowPlay to prove my innocence.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

You are right, the "Well Goodbye, RPUK" didn't help as straight away when you hear someone has vdmed and then that happens you think that the person is going out in a bang. 

Looking at anton's POV i'm still not convinced by the accident part on the 2nd thing, you knew the hatchback was by you yet you cut it off, don't you see how "blatant" that looks?

Quote me the rule that you broke and explain it in your own words.  

You are right, the "Well Goodbye, RPUK" didn't help as straight away when you hear someone has vdmed and then that happens you think that the person is going out in a bang. 

Looking at anton's POV i'm still not convinced by the accident part on the 2nd thing, you knew the hatchback was by you yet you cut it off, don't you see how "blatant" that looks?

Quote me the rule that you broke and explain it in your own words.  
I understand that it looks blatant and if I had meant it, why would I go to Liason Room to try and resolve the issue. I completely forgot about the patrol car as I had the more pressing matter of accidentally destroying NPAS. Not an excuse though. I have very weak situational awareness.

(2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch

My Understanding

 - Vehicle Deathmatch or VDM is the act of using a vehicle of any sort (Land, Sea or Air) as a weapon to inflict damage onto players or other vehicles. 

I consulted a few staff on this one since given the nature of your permanent unban we need to think especially carefully about intent...

The video you provided is pretty strong evidence to this being a mistake but obviously the helicopter is off screen. Could you explain a bit further how that happened? You say in the video you drove "under" it? As much detail as you can give would be great and would benefit your position in this appeal.

I consulted a few staff on this one since given the nature of your permanent unban we need to think especially carefully about intent...

The video you provided is pretty strong evidence to this being a mistake but obviously the helicopter is off screen. Could you explain a bit further how that happened? You say in the video you drove "under" it? As much detail as you can give would be great and would benefit your position in this appeal.

When I say "under" I mean that when NPAS had landed at the exit of the bridge I did not have enough time to come to full stop (as I was 3/4 passed the bridge), so to stop a head on collision I tried to swerve around and under the main rotor assembly, unfortunately, I hit the edges of the rotor. With Arma 3 physics results in a fireball.

After having consulted with the crew of the helicopter and some staff members regarding this appeal. We believe the crash between the helicopter and yourself to have been accidental as a result of avoiding a more considerable collision, furthermore we are agreed that the crash later in the pursuit involving the police car and yourself was a result of you being cut off by the police car by turning left, there appeared to be no malice to your actions. I'd advise in further pursuits you be more situationaly aware of the events going on around you, especially with regard to other vehicles, so as to avoid these mishaps in the future.

I will say anymore 'mishaps' may not be looked upon as kindly, so please take the advice and watch where you're going and what you are saying. 


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