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Un-ban Appeal - lukenaitor - 04/19/2016 (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
In-game Name
[LOV] lukenaitor

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned

Apparently I "did not even issue compliance in the form of stop it, or put your hands up. Just cold blooded murder."

Why should we unban you.
I had the idea that we had resolved this with the guy on team speak and he decided to place the report at 10:00 in the morning anyway, I said to him "If this is resolved i'm leaving to my own channel" Where he responded with "Fair Points, alright"

This is my first ban in the 1 Year and 2 months I've been on the server and I'm clearly not here to break them intentionally or mess around, maybe I could of given more of a threatening voice towards the person in the video and more Roleplay as I'm supposed to be leading by example for my gang apart from that there isn't much else to say that was not already seen or discussed.

So I apologise for the RDM and the bad initiation not much else I can say other than sorry.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Can you explain about the comments I've been hearing that you've been slating the staff who issued the ban, or that you were not going to appeal out of pride? If it's true, or it's not. If it is true, I ask you be honest.

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Can you explain about the comments I've been hearing that you've been slating the staff who issued the ban, or that you were not going to appeal out of pride?
It wasn't out of pride at all, and whoever you have telling you that should know. It was more out of stubbornness on my part as I felt the ban was handled badly and was unjust, mostly because the guy lied about resolving the entire thing with me.

Can you explain about the comments I've been hearing that you've been slating the staff who issued the ban, or that you were not going to appeal out of pride? If it's true, or it's not. If it is true, I ask you be honest.
And to tell the truth because I'm not one to lie, I had to resolve a situation with the person in question with Fetty Wap, who believed I had an attitude during the entire thing which angered me, I slated the staff member for being useless while trying to help the situation but that was it to my knowledge (This was on the day of my ban so tension was high with all the messaging and rumours going around)

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I'm going to say this, just because it was or not resolved, how you and your gang handled this situation was piss poor. All what had to be done was you to post an appeal, and then you could have shown the video. There is no right or wrong way to handle reports as each member of the team has their own ways of doing things. Fact is even if something is "resolved" if it's blatant, we will still take action.  We treat everyone the same regardless of time here, donations made, staff/management.

I saw the report, so did the other staff members, and almost everyone said "Why didn't he just knock him out, wtf."

I have a mountain of chat logs, screen shots, team speak conversations, steam conversations from various members of LoV pestering poor Khandamir, in violation of server and forum rules.

You and your gang have escalated the situation from a simple RDM dispute, to a full on community disruption. I am now at the point of questioning if management should take it to the next level and start handing out blanket bans.

Is this going to be an issue, or can we agree to disagree you screwed up and go about it the normal way?

I'm going to say this, just because it was or not resolved, how you and your gang handled this situation was piss poor. All what had to be done was you to post an appeal, and then you could have shown the video. There is no right or wrong way to handle reports as each member of the team has their own ways of doing things. Fact is even if something is "resolved" if it's blatant, we will still take action.  We treat everyone the same regardless of time here, donations made, staff/management.

I saw the report, so did the other staff members, and almost everyone said "Why didn't he just knock him out, wtf."

I have a mountain of chat logs, screen shots, team speak conversations, steam conversations from various members of LoV pestering poor Khandamir, in violation of server and forum rules.

You and your gang have escalated the situation from a simple RDM dispute, to a full on community disruption. I am now at the point of questioning if management should take it to the next level and start handing out blanket bans.

Is this going to be an issue, or can we agree to disagree you screwed up and go about it the normal way?
I can only apologise on the gangs behalf as they must of been worried for my ban I never once told them to message Khandamir in anyway and to my knowledge it was only me and @Genmalitrying to resolve it.

So for that I'm sorry to the staff and specifically @Khandamir

You owe one more person an apology, @Fetty Wap

hes a volunteer and he practically begged me to let him post here because he wanted to tear into you, and I rightfully should let him so. He almost banned you from teamspeak but decided not to so you could still speak to your friends.

Another unpaid volunteer like all of us who help make the server a better place so we can all have an enjoyable experience. We don't make any money doing this, but we love the community so much it's like our second job.

You owe one more person an apology, @Fetty Wap

hes a volunteer and he practically begged me to let him post here because he wanted to tear into you, and I rightfully should let him so. He almost banned you from teamspeak but decided not to so you could still speak to your friends.

Another unpaid volunteer like all of us who help make the server a better place so we can all have an enjoyable experience. We don't make any money doing this, but we love the community so much it's like our second job.
My apologies to @Fetty Wap

Unbanned, follow the rules going forward.

To any and all gangs reading this, no one gets special treatment here. It doesn't matter if you've donated, been here a long time, if you're a staff member. If you break the rules and get caught you dispute it like everyone else and get the same treatment. No back door teamspeak/steam messages, no private messages. You dispute it here and only here.

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