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Un-ban Appeal - Marios - 31/07/18 (Timed Out 05/08/2018)

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POPO station
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Lying for my age ( 11 days.. )

Why should we unban you ?
I believe I should be unbanned because 3 months have passed since I got banned, which doesn't make a difference but I do think I have changed a bit I wasn't a liar at first but even if I was I m pretty sure I m not currently. I do indeed regret lying for 11 days and I do apologise for it but that s how we are we do mistakes that we regret even though I didn't want to get banned from the 1st time that I played in your server because tbh people that play can roleplay extremely well as I was blown away when I talked to people while I was downed. Now I ll say It again I didn't think 11 days were such a huge issue that s why I didn't mention it. I don't expect to be given another chance and I will understand as you obviously don't want any liars in this community and I would agree with you but it s your decision if you want to unban me or not.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

You were, or at least should have been aware of the 1.9 rule.

  • Why would you risk getting banned, instead of just waiting 11 days?
  • In "Why should we unban you?" you say that you believe you have changed a bit, please expand.
You were, or at least should have been aware of the 1.9 rule.

  • Why would you risk getting banned, instead of just waiting 11 days?
  • In "Why should we unban you?" you say that you believe you have changed a bit, please expand.
1) It was 11 days and it wasn't too much so I believed that you wouldn't care but you did care so it was my mistake.

2) Time passes and people change that way I have changed and I am a more grown up person.

So you knew we had a rule about lying about your age but still proceeded to break it?

If this is the case then how can we possibly trust that you wouldn't break any of our other rules?

Accidental rules breaking in the heat-of-the-moment in game can be forgivable however this premeditated rule break shows us that you dont respect our rules.

Then when asked about it directly, you lie to a staff member?

Youve got a lot of explaining to do....

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