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Un-ban Appeal - marshall1234 - 07/25/2017 (Denied)

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South Yorkshire
In-game Name
Lewis Mconnel

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Jefke V

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Apparently i was banned for VDM but yes i did VDM the first time because i was knew to the server but the second time i let my son play as he kept begging me and i have read the rules however he hasnt as he is only 10

Why should we unban you ?
You most likely wont but im a very serious roleplayer i play this server day in day out earning money i have earnt 11 million from oil i have a group called altis protection LTD that allows civilians to go around the island in peace without being robbed etc i didnt know my son would do that im begging you to unban me as i will not let him do it again I have also read all the rules and fully understand them. i hope i will be unbanned thank you

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

i let my son play as he kept begging me and i have read the rules however he hasnt as he is only 10
you and only you is responsible for your acount, And the actions that were made by the person that was playing on your account.
Also i have a video from our conversation ingame. 

watch this, i am very convinced this was not your son, so stop lying. and come with the truth. 

Okay I admit it was me I just really want to become unbanned I was a little bored at the time I wanted a little bit of action and I didn't realise this would get me banned, I have learnt my lesson from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry I seriously mean this this is the best roleplay server in Arma 3 in my opinion it won't happen again i know this won't happen but I'm begging for just one more chance to prove to you that im a good roleplayer I'm so sorry I didnt mean to harm anyone I didn't realise it would come to this and im so sorry for lying the first time I have been checking my emails this thread and everything to check if anyone has messaged me back to be honest I would say I'm a little obsessed with this server and being banned I guess has learnt me a couple things and made me listen to the rules so In a way it has been a good thing all I am asking for is one more chance 

I'm so sorry for what i did and i'm really sorry for the car i blew up i don't know who's it was but if i get unbanned if i can find them ill give them some more for compensation and to say sorry i am literally obsessed with this server i play it all day every day it has literally killed me not playing on the server as its such a wonderful fun server. i'm really sorry for what i did all i am asking for is for another chance to prove i'm a good player i fully understand why you banned me. im just asking for one more chance that's all i wont do it again i swear. over the time i have been banned i have re read all the server rules twice and fully understand them. im really sorry for what i did.

I was a little bored at the time I wanted a little bit of action and I didn't realise this would get me banned,
you got warned by stoneman before. 

Stoneman at 07/18/2017 7:19 PMEditDelete
Warned for VDM in Kavala, said he didnt see anyone. Ban next time.

so are you lying to me again or what ? 

No that did happen and I said sorry to stone man and one of the people who got run over as I knew him from earlier in the day when I met him I said sorry to both or them and I really didn’t mean to do that and this time I just wasn’t thinking I was being ungrateful for this amazing server I was taking it for granted that i can actually play this server I love this server I’m just asking for another chance I fully understand why you banned me and I will be extremely lucky to be able to have another chance but I promise this won’t happen again I have fully re read the rules the rule I broke was (2.1) vehicle deathmatch/VDM this is where someone uses a vehicle to injure or harm players or cause explosions and I caused an explosion using my vehicle and breaking this rule will result in a ban and I fully understand why I got banned. From the bottom of my heart I’m sorry for what I did I promise it won’t happen again I love Roleplay.co.uk I play it all day every day I meet new interesting people it allows me to listen to people’s life stories and talk with them and make friends having this time off has been a punishment on its own im obsessed with this server I’m just asking for another chance to prove to you that I’m a good role player. I’m so sorry 

This time I was just being stupid I really wasn’t thinking last time I had some issues with my computer but this time I was being an idiot and didn’t think that this would get me banned I’m extremely sorry for what I have done I admit to everything I have done and you can be sure that if I get another chance this will never happen again I absolutely love this server from the bottom of my heart I’m sorry I just want to be able to prove to you and other admins that I’m a good player I respect you and all admins as you have a job to do I understand all I’m asking for is another chance and it won’t happen again 

You can appeal in a month's time, all I've seen here is you lying to get out of a ban, you seem to try and blame other reason's before accepting the responsibility yourself. When you appeal on the 31st of August I hope the time past will have taught you to tell the truth. 


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