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Un-ban Appeal - MatthewHd - 28/12/17 (denied)

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Active member
In-game Name
Matt Grey

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
1.2 - Discrimination

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Well at first I didn't even realise I got banned and today after trying to hop onto the server to do some patrols I was greeted with an admin kick stating I had been banned for breaking rule 1.2. - Discrimination. I then checked the player reports and didn't find anything on there, so I joined the TS and a staff member told me I used the word faggot which I cannot even recall but I guess it slipped out sometime. I then figured that this is the end of my time in this community, and I asked him about it, but he said that it probably is but that I could try with the appeal. I mean I've got nothing to loose so here I am writing this.

Why should we unban you ?
I wasn't even trying to be toxic, I don't even really remember the situation that I was in when I did use it. I am certain I haven't said it with ill intent, as I remeber just patrolling and having fun through the whole evening yesterday. It would really be dissapointing for me to end my time in this community in such a way. I am genuinely a positive person to other people you can ask Fergus who monitored my PA accessment and spent a decent ammount of time with me recently. It was most likely just banter amongst the people that were there. I would never say it to someone to be rude to them.

This has also been my second ban in 2 months which doesn't really look good for me, but I besides that I followed the rules to the best of my ability being mindful of other players and I haven't intentionally done or said ANYTHING in the said 2 months of playing regularly, that would negatively affect the game experience for other players besides apparently saying a single word.

So, in conclusion I hope you see that I made a stupid mistake, that I do realise and recongise it and that I am sincerely sorry for it and it WILL NOT happen again if you decide to unban me yet again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I haven't intentionally done or said ANYTHING in the said 2 months of playing regularly, that would negatively affect the game experience for other players besides apparently saying a single word.
You have got warned regarding breaking NLR on the 13/12/17

In such a small time-frame you have managed to be caught breaking three rules that have nothing in common. Could you explain to us why calling someone a "faggot" is not allowed and why you would think that It is acceptable? 

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First, for the NLR warning. I was just trying to get to buy some gear. I wasn't going there to get revenge or try to interact with the people.  I haven't broken NLR since though.

Calling someone a faggot is not allowed because it could be seen as extremely disparaging, offensive and generally rude. I was probably in a group of people I knew when I said it who would understand that it's meant as a joke (ableit a bad and unfunny one) and not to bring someone down or to actually insult them. I would never say that to someone that made me mad or annoyed me. I have also learned the unwritten list of terms (faggot, cunt etc.) that I should not and WILL NOT use on this server should you decide to give me yet another chance in your community.



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So you were unbanned on the 29th November and then warned for breaking NLR on the 13th of December, 2 weeks after getting unbanned.  You then got banned for 1.2 2 weeks after that

NLR is NLR regardless of what you are "trying" to do, calling people "faggots" in side chat doesn't just "slip out" either...

Why should I even bother unbanning you if, judging by your track record, you're just going to get banned again in 2 weeks time?

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I've decided to turn over a new leaf in 2018 (as ridiculous as that sounds). And although the track record is quite bad looking I swear to everything that is dear to me that I will not get banned in the near or the far future if you bother to unban me. I would like to apologise to whoever I called a faggot sincerely, and say that it will not happen again in the future. I have met amazing people on this server while playing and I really regret breaking the rules that I broke and getting banned for it. I see that you still have a bit of fait in me considering you haven't flat out denied my appeal so I just want to say that you will not regret unbanning me if you do decide to do it.



can go to the rules page and quote me the rule you got banned for? 

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I think you need a little bit of time before we consider unbanning you. 

Take some more time to reflect on how you act here on RPUK, clearly not your strongest aspect following rules.

Denied, try in a week or 2. 

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