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Un-ban Appeal - maxgo - 07/26/2017 (Unbanned 04/08/2017)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Vladic Ka

Reason given for your ban.
Stealing a medic helicopter and teleporting.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for breaking rules and being generally stupid and I fully understand that. I broke two rules which is stupid of me and i would never do again after a thorough read of the server rules. I now understand the rules I broke and wont make the same mistake again. FYI : I know there is another unban appeal under my name and that is on an account i cant remember the login to im by no way trying to hide the fact a previous appeal was declined.

Why should we unban you ?
You should unban me because i now fully understand the rules of this great server and would never break the rules as i did again. At the time of the offence i had no idea that these rules where enforced this hard and now i understand as its a massive break of rp and ruins the game for many people trying to enjoy their experience on this server. After ive been banned and forced to play other servers on arma Ive realised that roleplay.co.uk was probably the best server ive ever played on and would wish to be unbanned afetr the countless fun i'd had on this server prior to ban.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Please explain the situation first involving the theft of the medic helicopter and second the teleporting, what happened, where did it happen, why did you do it?

Firstly i was role playing with two friends of mine and we saw the helicopter on top of the medic building, I thought nothing of it as it wasnt locked so stupidly  i thought i could get some money from it and took it to scrap because i didn't have much money at the time. not knowing that was a rule at that point in time i realise what i did wrong and would never do it again after a full read through of every rule. 

now about the teleporting once i got there i landed on the pad and the heli disappeared and i couldn't scrap it and i was confused and since i was stupid and no one was around i thought it was ok to teleport and break that rule which i'd never do again I only did this since i was 8km away or something in that range with no vehicle.

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why did you think it would be a good idea to steal a vehicle of people that spend their time in saving lives, so you guys dont lose your stuff every single time ?

I really dont know and i was stupid ill admit that. I  just was not thinking properly and would never do it again after i've read all the rules through

sorry for any role-play this affected but i now realise what i did wrong and will correct my wrong doings if unbanned

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Please quote the rules that you broke and explain them in your own words. 

(2.12) NHS Medics -The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 130 slot server. It is a bannable offence to kill a medic, take their vehicle or take them hostage. In the Redzone medics may be killed however all other rules regarding medics apply.

This means do not kill medics take their vehicles or take them hostage as there is only a limited amount of medics in the server

(2.11) Teleporting, Once you have spawned in you are unable to respawn unless you have been killed or are stuck in a position due to a bug (please take screenshots), For example you cannot respawn to get to another location quicker - Punishment is a ban.

This means you are not allowed to disconnect and reconnect to get to say kavala instantly but is acceptable if killed or stuck due to a bug with screenshots as proof

You forgot one. By taking the medic helicopter from the top of the hospital, detailed in your own story that's a third rule you have broken, would you not agree?

(6.1.4) You must not lockpick or steal a vehicle from the green zone.

Did you read the server rules before joining the server?

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(6.1.4) You must not lockpick or steal a vehicle from the green zone.

youre not allowed to lock pick vehicles inside a green zone or steal them.

And I read the rules through now and would never do this again.

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What would you do if you found yourself in this situation again? 

Well with medic helicopter incident would never happen again because i know of the rule and will never do it again and if i was in the midle of no where with no vehicle i'd get a friend to come pick me up or find a way to get somewhere with a reason involving roleplay.

I now know what i did wrong and will never do it again and IO really enjoyed playing roleplay.co.uk and i think its the best roleplay server out there and i would love to be unbanned from ts server as it was so much fun.

Yes I have read the rules and now will be able to follow them properly to make it a fun experience on roleplay.co.uk for everyone I meet

alright, i will take the risk to trust you. 
but keep in mind, if you get in this section of the forums again. 

it will not be easy. 

UNBANNED 04/08/2017

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