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Un-ban Appeal - MeoWStalk3R - 12/02/18 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name
MeoW Stalk3R

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I did something wrong to someone who wouldn't except a peaceful resolution. To clarify I shot out a pilot of a helicopter which tailed me for many miles while I was transporting goods; To my best knowledge said crew of the chopper were also responsible for shooting out one of the tire of my truck (admittedly I cant confirm if it was the pilot I shot). After a quick chat and a difference in opinion he decided to grab an admin and very quickly the blame was placed on me for RDM which I didn't think was fair but accepted as the admin has final say and as much as I didn't want to be banned I did my best to move on.

Why should we unban you ?
its been over 2 years I have many active friendly on the server now who would like me to join and reassure me the community is better and if I have another issue like this there will be a better resolution. As a player I contributed to the server. With a good quality microphone and fluent English my participation isn't limited to the economy of Altis I did participate in roleplay which admittedly was very fun and I miss. In summary I just want to give the mod another go and think enough time has passed I should be given another chance.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Can you explain why you decided to make a "Report a Player" to effectively have a whinge about the situation?

We have the appeal process for a reason, this is where you explain yourself.

I admit it was a whinge but I think I was unfairly treated then (not coming forward because I thought the admin was in the right being an admin) and I think I wasn't being treated seriously because currently i'm banned making my appeal low priority which I don't think is right as given that the report that got me banned might have just been revenge from a player who was upset he died after essentially being an idiot. I do apologies for the whinge and I understand if that might change the outcome of my appeal regardless if the banning report was in spite of me.

So explain to me properly, without the whining, why you feel that you were unfairly treated?

 I think my ban wasn't fair just from looking at the banning report. I admit i did break rules in that situation that could constitute a ban as it was very poor RP however he defiantly broke 3.7 baiting me to shoot him among other rules so I just think the punishment was a bit harsh. I made the appeal here first as initially i just wanted to move on i'm willing to accept blame for the sake of pushing through with the appeal and just rejoining the community.

If you admit that you broke a rule then surely you understand why you were banned then.  The admin that dealt with it at the time would've made a decision on if he felt the other party was baiting or not, and if he did, would've issued a ban on them as well.

Moving on in any case, due to the time between your ban and your appeal now our rules have been revised multiple times as the servers changed.  Have you read and understood all of the rules?

Can you quote and explain the following rules?

  • RDM
  • VDM
  • NLR
RDM-Random Death Match killing someone with no roleplay reason e.g. shooting a landing player from a helicopter

VDM- Vehicle Death Match a special case of RDM where the murder weapon is a vehicle or its resulting explosion if damaged enough to the point of explosion

NLR- New Life Rule the rule stopping people from holding grudges after being fairly killed or from holding grudges after logging off NLR restricts players from where they were killed for a period of time sufficient they cant rejoin any roleplay they were involved with before death the restricted area is around 1km and the time is about 20min I can re-upload this in the post when it lets me but as of now this is the best i can provide, thank you.

If we were to unban you, what can you bring to this community?   How do you intend to spend your time here?

I add to this community with a good set up for role-play (a microphone and headset) that I intend to use i.e. doing good quality rp and potentially spending my time filling other roles such as in the nhs as I hear its a very rewarding experience both in the altis economy and for fun role-play. I was also interested in the idea of being a property owner in altis and spending time investing in that as well as professions to fund this (nhs medic for example.)

Considering the length of time it's been, I'm willing to give you a second chance, don't make me regret it!


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