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Un-ban Appeal - Miczils - 06/11/2016 (Unbanned 31/07/16)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Vladic Ka

Reason given for your ban.
Combat Logging

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Im sure that i was banned for what was seen as a intentionally disconnecting, around 25 - 30 seconds after i got killed.

Why should we unban you ?
What actually happened is that i got killed, and while my respawn bar almost filled up so i can respawn, my arma was minimized to tray and "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" [ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2665946 ] error popped up. I tried to alt+tab back into Arma but the screen was just pure black. I've had this happen a lot of times after i installed new drivers to my GTX970, and the only thing to do if this happens, is to close the process and open it up again, and that's what i did, after waiting for few seconds, i closed arma3 process in task manager. I told my friends on the server that i crashed, and reconnected to the game as fast as i could, i wanted to explain myself and apologize as what happened wasn't intended and i had no power over it. When i joined i was kicked with a message "Combat Logging" that was followed by a ban with the same message. Obviously the first thing i fault of was to find the crash report, i tried to find it, when i couldn't i asked member help but they also couldn't find it. I've searched for it on internet, and there is completely 0 information about Driver Crashes, I've read on BohemiaIntractive-Forums about people with the same problem, and they all could not find any logs of that driver crash, as from what i have read of Nvidia Forums, BI Forums and other sites, event monitoring will not save or record this type of errors (thats what people wrote, i have no idea if its true or not) (If you may have any idea where i can find information about logs of those errors, please tell me)

I went through event monitor, security center, and had a few people from member support, and the gang im in, try to help me find it, we had no luck in finding any records of nvidia driver failures, after i installed the new GPU drivers the error happens very often (6 - 10 times a day), so i expect it would be all over the Event Monitor, but the only thing that has something with Nvidia to do is Nvidia Shadowplay Recording Server Crashes (when shadowplay turns off).

I tried to join back, and explain myself but i had no time to do so as i instantly was kicked, then banned.

Im terribly sorry for any grammar or sentence structure mistakes that make my explanation hard to read/understand , English is obviously not my main language.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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@Vladic Kado you remember this person?

Also, did you make any effort coming on our Teamspeak to try and resolve the situation?
As i said, i did. I have spoken to people in member support, two of them. They had no idea about it too, after that@Dcert@TCK John Dillingerand few other TCK members tried to help me find it too. I have tried to speak to Vladic and explain it, but he was streaming with teamspeak chat blocked.

I think the thread could be forgotten or lost in the never ending rain of appeals by the looks of it. 
If anyone has any clue about the crash-log or how to find it i would appreciate a PM

Im bumping as i really miss playing on the ALUK, love the community and time out of it is pretty boring, no other RP is as good and fun as this one and i would love to be back, i have spoken with few people, that have the same card, and they actually have the same driver crashes with no log what so ever.

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Ok I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and unban you. Please be assured if anything similar happens again you may not get the chance to appeal.

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