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Un-ban Appeal - Mikous - 26/03/18

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
"Mass RDM"

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Hi there, I have been a long term member of Altis Life for over three years. I was a member of the police force making my way to DSGT. in the Academy under the profile name of DSGT Michael, had roughly £12,000,000 in my account from legitimate gameplay and owned three properties as well as countless vehicles. I attempted to join the server just now as I was aware that my rent was running out and I hopped on to renew when I was met with a message saying I had been banned in 2016 for "Mass RDM" by Ram - this was very confusing to me as I have never even had a ban report made against me or ever been in any trouble with the community. I have also played several times since the date of this ban and have screenshots / gameplay to prove this. The only reason I can think of is a recent move to Windows 10 where it didn't keep any of my 'My Documents' data as my Arma 3 profile is now under the name of 'mike' and my original 'Mikous' profile doesn't seem to exist anywhere. I'm absolutely gutted as I have put my life and soul into this server and never once been in trouble - as a hoarder it is a massive upset to lose my acquired wealth, properties and assets to what seems to be a clerical error. If you could help me resolve this issue that would be absolutely fantastic, and likewise if you need any further evidence please let me know and I will be happy to provide it.

The link below is the link to my Altis Life profile that I hope I will be able to access again, although as a technology noob I'm completely at a loss as to whether I'll be able to access this again with the loss of 'My Documents' folder.


Why should we unban you ?
I never should have been banned in the first place and this definitely seems like an error. I'm a legitimate and friendly player who has been part of the community for well over three years with a long service in the Altis Police Force and have never once been mentioned in the 'Report a Player' section to my knowledge. Altis Life is my favourite Arma 3 server that I have put hours and hours into and the loss of that is not something I take lightly. Many thanks for your help.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

I've uploaded the kick message and also a screenshot of me playing in January 2018... hence my confusion! Also here's a link to a video I posted during the time I was supposedly banned:

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altis life wtf.jpg

Are you 100% connecting to RPUK servers?

Are you 100% sure you still cannot connect?

@Samatlewis Yes the issue is resolved thank you VERY much for your help!!

Did you guys extend the rent on all my properties? I seem to have 31 days left and by my calculations it should have expired...

If so, extra thanks! Any idea what the issue was and how I can avoid it in the future?

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Mikous it was not an issue on your end. It was something that needed editing on ours which was causing you issues joining as ‘mike’, if you had tried a different name it would have been fine.

Additionally, I have no idea about the rent. Count your lucky stars I guess?


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