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Un-ban Appeal - Mustang (Unbanned)

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In-game Name
[TW] Gray

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Combat Log

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I know why i was banned and i will explain this thoroughly
I was banned because of something that i am not proud of at all, First of all i apologise to Crumble, You were right buddy and i know that you know that. I lied to you and i apologise. I was AFK and we were flying around, i got back from being afk and my friends were refueling a chopper within around 30 seconds my friend crashed the chopper, Im gonna confess i panicked crazy and i Alt - F4'd. First of all i know this is against the rules, I instantly realised how dumb i was and that the panic thing was no excuse whatever so i joined the teamspeak and spoke to Crumble whilst i rejoined the server. I will admit that i lied to Crumble which was a stupid idea, I am stupid, i tried to make it out that my game crashed because i know how stupid the punishment is. I spoke to Crumble about taking my gear or killing me so i would lose it like i was supposed this was instantly after the incident i didnt try to hide it or get away with the fact i combat logged, Even when i said my game crashed i was still willing to give up my gear because technically even if it crashed thats still combat logging in my opinion. It sounds stupid even posting this because of the severity of the incident i know that its not normally able to be appealed. However confessing about it and the fact i tried to sort it out straight away i would hope that it can be sorted. Like i dont want to lose this server ive been playing for years, You could reset my entire character if that is a punishment you see fit, take all my money vehicles etc, Whatever works if anything.

Why should we unban you.
I've been playing on and off on this server for years, i've been in the police force twice and i've roleplayed a lot without breaking rules. I believe that this is my first ever offence as far as im aware correct me if im wrong. I would hope that due to it being my first offence, The fact ive played for years, and that i tried to resolve this instantly after it happened with Crumble on the teamspeak i would get unbanned.
To prove ive played for years i dont know whether you can check it but i was in the Police way back when Sofia was still a constabulary.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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In accordance with our rules:

[COLOR= rgb(191, 191, 191)]*Appeals are allowed if you have made the effort to go on teamspeak and speak to the person/persons you were with to advise of a valid reason, or if you have signed back into the game and contacted them in game and made the full effort to relink up with them to continue roleplay, The person/persons should vouch for you in the appeal.[/COLOR]

I will not deny this request, however @Crumblethis one is yours.

In accordance with our rules:

*Appeals are allowed if you have made the effort to go on teamspeak and speak to the person/persons you were with to advise of a valid reason, or if you have signed back into the game and contacted them in game and made the full effort to relink up with them to continue roleplay, The person/persons should vouch for you in the appeal.

I will not deny this request, however @Crumblethis one is yours.
I did contact Crumble, Thank you for not denying, Also I would like to add that i did try to contact Crumble after i posted this so i could apologize in person as i feel that is the way an apology for lying should be dealt with. However i had no reply from Crumble on TS.

Yes you did come to TS and starting feed me a lot of lies.

However you now what you did and you admitted to your mistakes (Some time later) I suggest you don't lie in future reference, I wasn't born yesterday.

Unbanned due to the fact you came straight to TS.

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