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Un-ban Appeal - PixelGnome - 05/01/2017 (Unbanned 13/05/2017)

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In-game Name
Jamie Foxx

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
dont know the reason. But i guess its cause i raged at admins in chat

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
this is why:
Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx
Fucking kill yourself Cyrus and kebab911
Jamie Foxx
fucking rdming cunts
Jamie Foxx
shit admins even here/ nothing being done. ffs idc
Jamie Foxx
EVERY time i get rdmd nothing is done
Jamie Foxx
sick if this shit
Jamie Foxx
ye cause i am 2 seconds in reporting then no one belive me
Jamie Foxx
rather fuck this. not gonna fill my pc with useless video files that admins dont do shit about. fuck you all

Why should we unban you ?
Cause i should not of raged in the OOC on admins. i am just angry cause all i get is RDM'd and VDM'd and past 2 days lost 1.6-2m for nothing. I am sorry for my actions.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Now, I understand that you can be annoyed if you think you have been unfairly killed, However if you do not report it to admins, we can't see it, we do not have eyes everywhere on the server believe it or not. Therefore if you report it with evidence it will get dealt with. What you did was just moan and complain on sidechat and then moan about admins and got yourself banned. Not your wisest move was it?

Now, I understand that you can be annoyed if you think you have been unfairly killed, However if you do not report it to admins, we can't see it, we do not have eyes everywhere on the server believe it or not. Therefore if you report it with evidence it will get dealt with. What you did was just moan and complain on sidechat and then moan about admins and got yourself banned. Not your wisest move was it?
@Robbie I know it wasn't my wisest move. I do know i could of gone by this a lot better. It's just that i dont have the space to be filling my pc with 100+gb of video files and i managed to get a small amount of video but wasnt enough apparently. am going to buy myself a new HDD for recordings and such cause me and my friends are gonna go work on a youtube channel. I am really sorry for my actions and it wont happen again.

But what you say there does not really tell me, you won't go on another tantrum. Make me believe that you won't go on another tantrum, and how you will counteract your own rage. You say you want to start record but to quote you here:

Jamie Foxx
rather fuck this. not gonna fill my pc with useless video files that admins dont do shit about. fuck you all

Can you be bothered to do that now?

But what you say there does not really tell me, you won't go on another tantrum. Make me believe that you won't go on another tantrum, and how you will counteract your own rage. You say you want to start record but to quote you here:

Jamie Foxx
rather fuck this. not gonna fill my pc with useless video files that admins dont do shit about. fuck you all

Can you be bothered to do that now?
@Azamai I didnt have the hard drive space for that and my pc been on the brink of breaking down. just got it fixed and got new hard drives. I had a tantrum cause i was having a really shitty day and at the same time being RDM'd  3 times in a day. and that last time just completely got to me. I know i could of gone around this and ask them to come on teamspeak and resolve this. There is a lot i can and will fix about my attitude and all that. There is not much i can say about "counteracting my own rage" but what i can atleast do is keep myself off OOC channel while i cool off. 

Just because you have had a bad day does not mean you should / can take it out on others.

I hope you have learnt from your mistake, Unbanned 13/05/2017

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