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Un-ban Appeal - Prkie - 09/19/2016 (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
SI Tampax

Reason given for your ban.
VDM/RDM/Killing Medics

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I saw the youtube video and he is 100% right about this report.

Why should we unban you ?
First of all excuse me for my bad behaviour .. I knew I made some mistakes and didnt go to the forums and read the rules.
I would like to apologize to the medic who I've ran over and shot on. I was just stupid and dont think about it. It was my first day on the server and I was in a rush so I didnt think before doing this. I would like to recieve a second chance to improve my roleplay style and be better and dont make the same mistakes again.
Gonna read the rules right now and be better next time.

It is up to you guys to decide.. Just telling my reason why I should be unbanned but the report was 100% right.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Before we continue please supply correct steam ID, the long number starting with 7

76561198210855883 This one? 
That is the correct steamID yes.

Why did you show a total disregard for reading the rules?

If you didn't even bother to read the rules, why should we bother to unban you?

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I am really sorry Tampax.. I've took the time right now. I was just dumb I accept it. 

Probaly didnt read good the last time. 

I dont think you deserve to come back, give me 1 good reason to unban you.

Also quote and explain in your own words the rules you broke.

The reason why I would have a chance because this is a good community and a good server to play on. This week bought Arma III and Apex because I saw some Roleplaying on Arma III on YouTube. I thought this is something for me I've played before on San Andreas Multiplayer it was kinda like this but I forgot the rules so I was searching for a good server to play on and saw this server. When I joined I was like 'Yeah this is the server to play on'. Played for a few hours and met a good guy on this server he helped me through the basic rules and also helped me out with jobs and when I didnt know something to do I would ask it in the OOC Chat. I went on this site and scrolled down on the rules but didnt read one by one thats the one fault of me atleast im saying my fault. Probaly I did because I was pissed to go from another point to another point. Got robbed also few times and it pissed me off so I was in a rush to go to a point of the map and made a mistake to VDM / RDM the medic. It was a big mistake I know and this actually gave me a chance to read the rules and tried to roleplay on some other servers but it didnt feel like this one but I've improved my Roleplay style. Had a break of RPG servers for like 3-4 years like I said I was also roleplaying on San Andreas Multiplayer and it has the same exact rules like this but forgot few of them. I'll hope you will understand me and give me a chance to improve you and the staff members that it will not be happen again and my big apogolize goes to the medic who had to go over this. I am sorry for my mistakes it will not happen again.. 

This are the rules that i've broke:

Vehicle Deathmatch(Also known as VDM):
Is also known as using your car to ram people over without roleplaying it so like if you have a gun and you shoot a person without a reason or roleplaying it. 
Random Deathmatch(Also known as RDM):
This rule means shooting someone down without roleplaying it.. It goes like you step out of your car and shoot someone down for fun.
Atleast I needed to roleplay it and gave them a chance to answer my attempt but I had no reason to shoot them down and thats my own fault.
Killing Medics(Also known as the rule NHS-Medic):
You cant kill or take a medic as hostage they're here to help people to not die and you cant just kill them it is against the rules.

You were banned off this forum report, clearly looking at the video you have no respect for our server rules. What has changed in a week that will make you follow them?

You were banned off this forum report, clearly looking at the video you have no respect for our server rules. What has changed in a week that will make you follow them?
It gave me time to think what I did wrong and didnt respect the rules like you're saying. I wanna show you my improven roleplay style and wont happen again what happend on that video I promise it. 

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