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Un-ban Appeal - RaffelTV - 22/09/18

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Admin Kick

Reason given for your ban.
Admin kick Apparently i got banned for RDMing. I have no now knowledge of rdming i have been playing on your server along time and i stopped playing around that time and now i wanted to start playing again but i cant.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I have no idea, why i got banned. Last time i played on the server i did some drug runs to earn money and then i stopped playing on the server. I have like 250 or 400 hours total on your server i have two accounts.

Why should we unban you ?
I did not rdm on your server. There must be some kind of misunderstanding. If we can get this sorted that would be great.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Please start by providing your Steam64ID rather than your profile link, it will start with a 7.

Steam 64ID 76561198128537999

The account has batteleye banned cause my friend used my account and he thoguht he went on a server that did't have battleye becuase he wanted to test something but he went on a server and got banned so i got a new account xD but if you can see the hours go a head.

Your "Friend" wanted to "test something" on a server not running battleye... did your dog eat your homework as well? How about we try something new, it is a game called "Cut the bullshit" and it has some very simple rules, when asked a question you answer it truthfully with no lies or other bullshit of anykind otherwise you lose and if you lose well, you end up in a deeper pit than you are already in.

So, in your last reply how about you correct it according to the new game. Once you have done that then you may answer my next few questions, continuing with the rules of the game of course.

How have you managed to forget about something that is not even five months ago yet?

Suddenly remembered because of our game? Good, then you can do this next step for me, go and re-do the following, again according to our new rules.

Reason given for your ban.Admin kick Apparently i got banned for RDMing. I have no now knowledge of rdming i have been playing on your server along time and i stopped playing around that time and now i wanted to start playing again but i cant.
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.I have no idea, why i got banned. Last time i played on the server i did some drug runs to earn money and then i stopped playing on the server. I have like 250 or 400 hours total on your server i have two accounts.
Why should we unban you ?I did not rdm on your server. There must be some kind of misunderstanding. If we can get this sorted that would be great.

And to just ensure you are worth any further time on, using your steamid 64, name or however else you wish to use, find the report you were banned for. I'll give you a clue incase you somehow get stuck, when searching there is a button for "More search options" then you should use most likely use the "All content" option. Goodluck.

The thing is, i am not lying! My friend did use my account because he wanted to test something and then i was banned. He gave me money to buy a new account so i did. No bullshit in that, that's the truth. 

And i got banned for no reason, i have no idea why i got banned. I stopped playing got banned. Maybe i missed something but i had no idea that you would get banned if you did not play for a few months.

Regardless of if we believe you, you are responsible for your account and what happens while on it.

giving your friend your steam account is a bad idea. If we also find this story of "your friend" to be a lie, we will not be unbanning you, ever.

We will be doing some deep digging to see if we can find flaws in your story. So this is your one and only chance to come clean and avoid being banned forever.

Tell us exactly what happened, if you decide to tell us something and we find any evidence that it is not true, you know what will happen.

If you continue you with "your friend" story, we will be asking some very probing questions  and if your answers do not line up with our evidence then we will also be perm banning you. Your choice.

That does answer James' question, he asked you to explain word for word what happened...

What happend was i was playing a game im not sure what game, not sure why thats relevant but anyway. My friend(Leon) hit me up and asked me if he could use my account to test something, i didn't think mutch of it. We went to the same school we do not anymore.  He asked me so i gave him my account. I trusted him so i let him, he said he wanted to try an ATM glitch on a server, that didn't have battleye. He said it was no worrys because it didn't have battleye and i wont get banned so i did not think mutch of it i just thought okey aslong as he has fun and dont get my account banned. He didn't have the game but he is that kid that watches streams all the time. So he was kinda in to the game at that moment, on streams. He went on a battleye server because he didn't know the game that well and got my account banned. I was pissed so he gave me 500 swedish crowns/50 euro so i could buy a new account(it was on sale) and get some money because he was sorry that he had gotten my account banned. Then after the summer break he started on a new school and kina lost some contact with him but i still have him on discord.

I don't know if im to late to replay, but i didn't have the time to replay because i needed to study to a orientation test that we had today. I'm sorry I didn't replay sooner i was busy. But i hope we could get this sorted because i really want to get back and play on the server otherwise i will have to find a new one. I have spent so mutch time on your server so it would be alot of hard work to start over. But i could but i dont want to leave your server.


Respond soon otherwise this appeal will timeout!
I wrote a other message i was busy sorry. 

You gave your account willingly to a friend who you 'knew' wanted it to test a glitch.  Your account, your responsibility, and whether it's true or not, (I think the latter) you're far to high risk to be allowed on our servers.

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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