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Un-ban Appeal - RazzyRod - 08/25/2017 (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name
Roger Snake

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Before the server restart I bet Jolly 2 mil to piss on the wall knowing that he wouldn't as UNMC would kill him, after the restart we decided to set up a blockade to stop people from leaving and entering the UNMC  land. On the way there he said I'm gonna piss on the wall as we knew no one was manning the wall as 2 other officers had started the blockade. Me being stupid I decided to text UNMC and obviously that's where this is coming from. 

Why should we unban you ?
I realise now that what I did was wrong and I should have not texted the UNMC at all, I did not mean fro the gun fight to start as far as I knew we were just turning anyone away, but a other officer decided he wanted to arrest the UNMC and it started. I am very sorry for the way I behaved in that situation and it will not happen again, This ban has made me realise that the baiting rule is not hard to break and I will be very careful in the future. I enjoy being a cop on this server and I will not break this rule or any rule again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Could you please quote the rules you broke and explain the rule in your own words.

(3.7) Baiting - Baiting for the sake of a gunfight is not roleplay. Punishment is a ban. Examples: Flying over someone with a chopper waiting for warning shots to instantly shoot them back, robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, etc.

well as it states a above provoking someone to have not choice but to initiate a gun fight.

So, let me ask you this, You made a "bet" with an officer and decided to message 1 member of the UNMC saying ooooo a cop is pissing on the border (you may as well have put a ;) at the end of it) Which would clearly lead to the UNMC coming to the border and having an altercation.

I heard about this by multiple people and what annoyed me most about this was that is was just after restart. Before the restart happened Police had a gunfight with the UNMC and then the restart hit, and you are at there border messaging them that basically asking for another gunfight. You may "not" have intended it however it's rather obvious what would have happened isn't?

What can you bring to the community if you we're to be Unbanned? 

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i have learnt that what i did is baiting and i will not do it again. i can bring role-play to the server as this is my favorite part of being on the island, i will make sure to follow all the rules and i will not break any of them again

Frankly I, as a cop of a long time have been baited to high hell, by multiple gangs. This kind of behavior ruins the experience for cops across the server, so it appalls me to be faced with a situation in which a cop is so blatantly trying to provoke a response from any group. As an officer your job and duty is uphold the law and protect people. In this situation, which of those two were you accomplishing?

You say you want to bring roleplay, at what point during roleplay do two onduty police officers decide indecent exposure, public urination, as well as number of other public order offences are something which they should do to a military faction at a checkpoint they control?

Well it was all a joke and i see now that it can be taken quite seriously. As i stated above i did not mean for there to be a gunfight we simple set blockade up outside the border and i sent this text 30 minutes before the gunfight. I did not actually intiate the gunfight, i was just talking and searchig the drivers of trucks and cars who approched the border.

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i sent this text 30 minutes before the gunfight
this def not true, as you sended the text personally to me technically  you dont have my number ingame. and as soon i got the message. i sended 2 men to the border to check, as there was only 3 people on duty. did anyone know that was involved in the operation, you sended the text? 

No one else knew. It was honestly me making a stupid mistake my way to the situation. I didnt want a gunfight. Im terrible in them, i just die straight away and thats what happened. And higher rank suddenly wanted to arrest the 2 UNMC at the border and initiated on them and i got rubbered and killed

If you never wanted an incident you wouldn't have messaged the UNMC would you? The police know that the UNMC responds to this incidents and will fight if need be. You took those risk's. I hope that you've had your eye's open from this.

Are we ready to follow the rules? 

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