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Un-ban Appeal - rOrOnoa - 15/10/17 (Unbanned 01/11/2017)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Combat logging / Escape to GZ

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
So, a helicopter landed next to my Quillin and they tried to rob me. I jumped back into the vehicle and started driving away. I saw a group of cops in the green zone and I stopped and intended to tell them that I'm being chased. As soon as I got out of the vehicle I got a message: You have been zipped by Aladeen(me). I was like wtf this is some kind of a bug. I was zipped for a few minutes and then teleported to another place where noone was around and nothing happened for another couple of minutes. I thought it was some kind of a bug so I closed the game and wanted to reconnect.

Why should we unban you ?
Apparently, I was banned for combat logging and escaping to gz. I didn't have any money on me so I was not trying to combat log on purpose, I thought it was a bug. I didn't know about the rule that you can't stop in the gz if someone tried to rob you earlier. I'm relatively new to the server and I'm sorry. Can I get another chance? I promise to go through the rules again in detail. If required I can upload a video of the whole situation.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Can you upload the video of the situation that you claim to have please?

Here is the requested video of the above-explained situation:

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well like you can see in the video, you recieved shots 200m before the GZ.
if this situation occurs again what will you do different?  

Now that I know I'm not allowed to go into the GZ, If someone initiates the same way, I will find cover outside the green zone jump out of the vehicle and kill the madafakas without breaking any rules :D

are there no other option then shooting them? 
or is that the only option you see? 

I could have surrendered at the beginning and tried to roleplay my way out of it. After they started shooting from the helicopter, surrendering is kinda hard. Another option is to escape without getting into the green zone or hide in a house, wait for them to land and then negotiate. Or send a dispatch to the police and drive until they come. Those are all acceptable options.

alright and why did you logged off when a staff member tries to speak to you? 
Then you might got a warning instead of a ban. 

Noone contacted me. I thought it was a bug and I tried reconnecting immediately but was banned already as shown at the end of the video.

As soon as I got out of the vehicle I got a message: You have been zipped by Aladeen(me). I was like wtf this is some kind of a bug. I was zipped for a few minutes and then teleported to another place where no one was around and nothing happened. I thought it was some kind of a bug so I closed the game and wanted to reconnect.


I can see you are new, and everyone makes mistakes. I accept you're telling the truth about logging off thinking you were bugged.

With that said, looking through your chat logs, you say in chat, "but as soon as they say hands up or die turn around and full auto them"

Do you think this is the correct action in this situation on a role play server?

Even though it's not against the rules, it can be considered as poor RP. However, just running up to someone saying "hands up or die" is also poor RP. Of course talking should always be a priority over shooting. But, it's also not good to make it too easy for robbers. If I have teammates online protecting me, I will put my hands up, roleplay and tell the teammates to attack the robbers (before my communications are taken). If I'm alone doing a run and a robber is directly behind me without any cover, I will full auto him. If robbers wanna catch me they need to be smart (multiple robbers with cover). I " won the day on October 7 " by doing just that and no one said I did something wrong :D


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Even though it's not against the rules, it can be considered as poor RP
Please visit the rules section, copy and paste 2.2 here and then tell me if you still think it isn't against the rules. 

In addition, that video you've just linked, whilst the robbers did break a rule, apply 2.2 to that situation and tell me your thoughts on it based on your own actions.

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Please visit the rules section, copy and paste 2.2 here and then tell me if you still think it isn't against the rules. 

In addition, that video you've just linked, whilst the robbers did break a rule, apply 2.2 to that situation and tell me your thoughts on it based on your own actions.
[SIZE=medium](2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM (RussianDanceMusic)) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]This rule is not applicable in the red zone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]So, I didn't create an interesting roleplay story before shooting, that was my mistake according to rule 2.2.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I was under an impression that when someone clearly initiates on you first ("hands up or die", shoot tires, police trying to arrest), you can start shooting without making a story. I have seen countless players killing the police or robbers immediately after one-sided initiation or a truck driver shooting back after someone tries to disable a truck.[/SIZE] And, players ingame told me that it's ok to shoot if someone initiates on you first.

I understand what I did wrong and will always put roleplaying (fun stories) top priority over shooting.

[SIZE=medium]I was under an impression that when someone clearly initiates on you first ("hands up or die", shoot tires, police trying to arrest), you can start shooting without making a story. I have seen countless players killing the police or robbers immediately after one-sided initiation or a truck driver shooting back after someone tries to disable a truck.[/SIZE] And, players ingame told me that it's ok to shoot if someone initiates on you first.
Taking shots is different from being spoken to / threatened.

I will ask that you read the following post which should clear up any impressions you have. Please let me know when you've read it.

I read Matt's post. Ok, so the staff is more strict since Oct 2nd regarding high-quality roleplay. I understand the situation and agree with points provided. Now I know exactly how to approach similar situations in the future.

no we are not stricter since then, we cleared the rule 7.1.3 out. as people were confused. 
will you be able to follow our rules from now on? 

Great, make sure you follow them to the bone. 

Awaiting Unban

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