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Un-ban Appeal - Rycka - 23/06/18 (Denied)

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United Kingdom
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Valen Bell

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for Combat logging at any point during RP.
The police wanted to stop me however i got inside my car and drove off. I really needed to go offline so i disconnected this counts as Combat Logging i regret what i did. However i tryed to connect back to the island and tell the reason i disconnected to the police but i did not remember the officers name that tryed to stop me so i just went offline.

Why should we unban you ?
I have made a mistake people make mistakes everyday however they also learn from making mistakes, this is the first time i have been banned. However i enjoy being part of the island and i regret what i did i really want to change and will not do this again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Locked for 7 days for contacting staff about your unban appeal. I specifically told you to read our rules and the guidelines in the unban process which you have already managed to fail, I advise you actually go and read them this time. All within the unban section you are forced to read before being able to make the appeal.

Let's kick this off.
Hopefully you know have learned your lesson and will obey with the unban appeal rules?

So  why did you log out when being pursued ?


Let's kick this off.
Hopefully you know have learned your lesson and will obey with the unban appeal rules?

So  why did you log out when being pursued ?

Hello i really needed to go offline, personal, private reason, I tryed to join back and tell the police why i really needed to log off but i could not remember the officers name.

Why did you add me on steam? 
Have you read our rules ?

Why did you add me on steam? 
Have you read our rules ?
Yes i have,i added you on steam because i wanted to. steam is made for that. By the way i did not chat to you about the server or anything else so i dont know why are you asking me this question.

Presumably because you have already contacted staff about your unban appeal. I would suggest that you don't add people on steam unless you either know them or have asked them first, especially staff dealing with your unban appeal.

What attempts did you make to tell the police in pursuit that you needed to log off and when you came back on what attempts did you make to resume the roleplay.

If you let us know, i.e. side chat, in game message, TS message etc, we can look into these and verify your story.

Also it would help us to know what date you were banned on as the current date (10/03/01) doesnt help up corroborate your story, if anything it will make more work for the staff looking into your unban appeal.

Presumably because you have already contacted staff about your unban appeal. I would suggest that you don't add people on steam unless you either know them or have asked them first, especially staff dealing with your unban appeal.

What attempts did you make to tell the police in pursuit that you needed to log off and when you came back on what attempts did you make to resume the roleplay.

If you let us know, i.e. side chat, in game message, TS message etc, we can look into these and verify your story.

Also it would help us to know what date you were banned on as the current date (10/03/01) doesnt help up corroborate your story, if anything it will make more work for the staff looking into your unban appeal.

Im not really sure why it says 10/03/01. The original day that i got banned on is June 23 2018, i disconnected from the server for 40seconds and connected back to the server to contact them but as i said i did not remember the guys name so i just logged off and came back like 1h 30min later tryed connecting to the server but i was banned for combat logging, so i tryed to speak to the staff about the situation and the reason i needed to go offline its was a very important reason that i can not just write in this appeal, however i said to the staff that i was happy to go back to the police and roleplay the situation that i was in, and speak to them. 

Can you please put in as much detail to what happened as you can so we can check your story with our server logs.

If you aborted to the lobby, where you respawned and when you disconnected etc.

Can you please put in as much detail to what happened as you can so we can check your story with our server logs.

If you aborted to the lobby, where you respawned and when you disconnected etc.
Yes i aborted to lobby, spawned in at Kavala wanted to text the police guy but i did not remember the name, so i just needed to go offline so i did. If you want me to tell you the reason why i needed to go offline, dont want to share it in public forum.

The ban will stand and you can appeal again in the future.
How long? Well when you feel like you can be abit more honest with us. Cause we are not buying it.

We have a few concerns in reagards of you, try again when honesty comes about.


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