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Un-ban Appeal - RyDeR - 09/26/2017 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name
Abu Ahmad

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I jumped from a police vehicle while being cuffed in the back, I know that was a stupid move, and I deserved my ban.

Why should we unban you ?
Well, it's up to you if I can be unbanned, I just wanna say that I want to get back on the server because the nostalgia got me and I would love getting unbanned, I am a more mature person now and I promise that it will not happen anymore.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Please quote the exact rule/s you broke and explain them in your own words. 

(2.7) Trolling - The following examples are considered trolling however there are multiple others so we advise common sense. Running around the police/medics/anyone, throwing yourself in front of vehicles, playing music in any chat or on teamspeak, bombarding the messaging system, buying multiple vehicles to block spawn areas or using them to blow things up, jumping off buildings without RP,spamming the vote admin or vote kick system, talking/playing music in the lobby screen, playing soundboards/voice changers ingame and open TS channels (Punishment is a ban, or permanent ban depending on the severity).

(1.7) As a roleplay game every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. Things like the following; do not swear at people (out of roleplay), troll people, or bully people otherwise you will simply be banned from our servers.

I trolled the Police officers by jumping out of their car while restrained and I know it was an idiotic thing to do, on my part it was a roleplay situation, I am handcuffed in the back of the police car and it is not locked so I struggle opening the door and jump, but it seems that it was wrong of me to do that and I admit it.

(2.4) Using any exploits

I think this one does apply to you as well. Don't you agree?

(2.4) Using any exploits

I think this one does apply to you as well. Don't you agree?
I always had the option to jump out of a car while being restrained, I don't know if it was an exploit or not, that's why I was thinking it was a plausible situation to jump out of a car while being restrained, if I am in the wrong here and it really is an exploit, I admit it and I think my permanent ban is well deserved.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I jumped from a police vehicle while being cuffed in the back, I know that was a stupid move, and I deserved my ban.

Why should we unban you ?
Well, it's up to you if I can be unbanned, I just wanna say that I want to get back on the server because the nostalgia got me and I would love getting unbanned, I am a more mature person now and I promise that it will not happen anymore.
this not really much effort. So tell me how would the server benefit if we unban you? 

I don't know how can a single person like me benefit the server, but I always liked to Roleplay under this name and use the accent and it is fun and entertaining to me and to others, the benefits would be one more active person that roleplays everything as a Syrian guy and entertains other people with his funny accent and brown colored skin(no racism intended, I am also a romanian gipsy so if you want your wallets safe on this community you know what to do...). And as I said, it is up to you if you want to get me unbanned or not, I know I did something bad, I didn't know at the time that it was bad because I thougt it was a normal thing but I think it was a bug on my side of the client that let me do that and I am sorry because I never intended to do any harm with my actions.

It's not a bug, it's common sense and we expect a high level of goodwill from our community members. Your hands are cuffed behind your back, you have no way to open the door and exit. Just because it's possible to do something doesn't mean you should. For example, you could also just quit out the game. It's possible to do, but common sense and goodwill in RP (as well as the rules) tells you you don't do it.

Do you now understand this?

Yes, I now understand it is impossible to jump out of a police car while being handcuffed, even if there is the option to eject.

What do you plan on doing if allowed to return? Join the police maybe? Is the rebel life for you?

I always liked to roleplay a civilian that is doing legal jobs, with some exceptions, but I would build my story in a way that the circumstances would make me join the UNMC, and there's actually more possibilities, I always liked the idea of NHS, but I would never join the police because I am already at a police college in my country and in December I'm graduating so doing the same two things in real life and gaming wouldn't be that satisfying in my opinion.

Lets no keep this longer up then needed. You will be unbanned and expect no more rule breaks on your end.
Unbanned 10/10/2017

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