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Un-ban Appeal - sb7e - 10/09/2017 (Denied 20/10/2017)

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The date of your ban.

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Reason given for your ban.
fourm 9-10-2017

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I didnt respond to the report which is an RDM , i thought i did but i actually i didint its my mistake , so the player who reported me killed my mate inside the redzone and i saw him killing my mate so after he wanted to finish him with a pistol and i killed him far away from the redzone , i read the rules many times espically this one (6.3.3) For Red zone specific rules to apply, both shooter and victim must be inside the Red zone. for me iam not an English speaker so as i see it its in general it doesnt say if someone killed your mate inside the redzone and he left from it you have to go to him and initiate again with him , i thought initiating is done when he killed my mate inside there , its a roleplay server so in real life if you see someone who killed your friend in front of you , you will kill him immediately , not going there and tell him please let me kill you because you killed my friend 2 min ago

So to do anything you have to initiate in order to do anything to the person/the group , so he killed my mate inside there which i thought the initiating is done over there so iam free to do anything because he is in my group

by the way , the rules didnt explain it so well about what should happen there its only one line with one hundred thoughts .

P.S : if we can talk about it on ts3 so i can explain more there to any of the admins it would be better for me .

Why should we unban you ?
I miss understood the rules which is kind of hard to understand about the redzone .

And i thought i respond to the report but actually i didint sry my bad .

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

the rules didnt explain it so well about what should happen there its only one line with one hundred thoughts .
(6.3.3) For Red zone specific rules to apply, both shooter and victim must be inside the Red zone.

this rule is straight to the point, i dont know what you dont understand, but it say clearly that you both need to be in the redzone ... 

This you 2nd ban now, and before this ban you got warned aswell, it looks like you are not learning. You know this is a serious roleplay server?  

As you can see iam so serious playing in this server if not i would not even do this ban appeal again , english is not my native language  , i didnt understand what this rule mean exactly to be honest . me , my mates and other new players think the same as i do which is over the red line its red zone u can kill without initiating , but obviously its not , iam sry but i would call it misunderstanding  not breaking a rule , because after my first ban i didnt even break any rule i was playing so serious over there .

I know you have restricted rules and i respect it , it makes the server even better , i try so hard to not break them but mistakes happen

You promised us only just over a month ago that you had read and understood the rules and promised us you wouldn't break them and yet here we are!

Why do you think we should give you yet another chance after you've betrayed our trust once already?

yes i understood the rules as i read them over 20 times , when i read this rule for the first time  (6.3.3) For Red zone specific rules to apply, both shooter and victim must be inside the Red zone. i was thinking the redzone , the zone over the red line , and thats what i understood from it , i didnt break the rule i misunderstood it , thats all .

And an admin told me once you will understand the rules while playing in time , thats what happened exactly last time , but the guy i killed didnt want to forgive me he asked around 2 mil , i didnt have the money for that .

Why you should give me another chance because iam not breaking the rules on purpose ,either its mistake or misunderstanding thats what happens exactly , once again i didnt break the rule .

once again i didnt break the rule
you clearly broke the rule, i saw the video. And i can tell you broke the rule simple as that. 
tell me how will the community benefit from unbanning you? 

The community will benefit from me in the future by not being such a big toxic player or a racist player in the game or outside in ts3 , and sometimes showing the new players the rules and the way how to play in the server .

And perhaps donating , sharing some good topics in the forums . 

So you're just going to click your fingers and the racism and toxicity will just stop? I'm not buying it. 

You can't follow the rules yourself so how can you teach them to new players? You didn't give us any reasons as to how the community will benefit on you returning, try again.

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As I can see this community is such a good one , accepts suggestions and understandable , so Mr. @TCK Matt here is my msg for you : we are not gods neither angles we do mistakes if we dont humanity would end .

Mr. Matt you have totally misunderstood my idea about helping the community , you are taking it way too far i didnt say teaching i said showing there is big deference between these two words .

How i will benefit the community try not break the rules again , be good and chill ^^ :D

well Mr. sb7e from your last post i can see the childish behaviour. 
in 1 month you got banned twice.  at this time i have no trust in unbanning you. 
Take a week off and try again. 

DENIED. 20/10/2017

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