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Un-ban Appeal - sb7e - 27/10/17 (Denied)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
fourm 9-10-2017

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Near the pearl dealer , one of the players killed my mate i shot him back but i was outside the red zone , and there was another player i killed him too , i missed understood the rule (6.3.3) For Red zone specific rules to apply, both shooter and victim must be inside the Red zone , i thought its something else , tried to explain alot of things and what happened in the previous ban appeal , but mainly i didnt understand the rule so well .

Why should we unban you ?
I miss understood the rule (6.3.3) For Red zone specific rules to apply, both shooter and victim must be inside the Red zone . We tried to make a compromise but they asked for much money i didint have it .

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

P.S : its almost 19 days since i got banned and its taking long , please if you can consider replaying as soon as possible 

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Taking long? I'm sorry? Waiting 6 hours was when you edited that part in, I'm sorry but that is not how we do things around here. Locked, unlocks in 3 days.

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
What part of this do you not understand? By you Putting what you did it made you wait longer.

Have you actually read the Unban Appeal Process or just put yes to it? 

Which then gets me thinking the following as this guy actually read the rules or is he just saying it like the rest? 

I read the rules many times , and I read the unban appeal process , iam sorry but I didn't mean to unban me as soon as possible I meant to replay as soon as possible .
It is my bad iam sorry for it I should not even wrote it I thought it would help it was just a little note that's all .

if iam like the rest of the guys who doesn't read the rules just saying they do , you will  not expect from me understanding most of the rules , I read them many times .

Maybe you have read the server rules but from what I'm getting you are failing to see there is also rules for making an appeal. So if you breach these rules trying to get unbanned suggests to me that even though you know the rules you still break them. So what would you suggest is the right thing to do for us?

As i said before i didn't mean like that , i meant it in another way , its my mistake and iam sorry for it .

I'm sorry but i didn't understand this "So what would you suggest is the right thing to do for us?"

Let's see if you really have grasped the rule you broke. Explain to me in your own words, (not copy and paste) what the rule 6.3.3 means.

rule 6.3.3 means inside the red zone you are free to kill anyone , but both of you should be inside it the shooter and the victim whom you are shooting at , if you are "victim and shooter" at least 1 m away from the red zone they should initiate before doing anything like shooting each other , and of course the red zone is the red circle on the map not the area over the red line .

So you managed to last only 14 days after you got un-banned before you were banned again. What a waste of our time and yours that was in having you lie to us in saying you wouldn't break any rules and that you knew all of the rules inside and out.

Why should we trust you again after you have betrayed our trust once already?

What qualities can you bring to the server to warrant us taking that risk?

I have explained it many times , it was a misunderstand , i was thinking that the red zone is the zone after the red line not the red circles .

I didn't betrayed your trust i tried as possible as i could to not break any rule .

As i said iam trying as hard as i can to not break any rule , be the way you are not taking any risk by doing that , and trying to roleplay as much as i can with other players while enjoying it .

Well you are quite obviously a risk if you try and still manage to break rules! 

I'll ask you again (this time put some effort in)

What qualities can you bring to the server to warrant us taking that risk?

I will make sure not to make this mistake again and try hard as i can to not break any rule again , and if i dont understand any rule i will ask the admins about it in order not to break it and fully understand it , and keep the high quality roleplay as much as i can which makes the server looks so good and better than others .

And i have to reread the rules again and understand them before rejoining the server "if i got unbanned" .

And i think i have to double check the website everyday because my ban reason was because i didnt answer to a "report player" thread in time which i could explain my situation before getting banned .

Appeal is denied, your actions around are not needed around here. You may appeal in 6 months, PERM ban.You failed to comprehend on how server rules work in this community. 

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