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Un-ban Appeal - snake23325 - 14/01/18 (unbanned,final chance 24/01/2018)

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Active member
In-game Name

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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
(2.8) Threats to report (1.9) Providing a false age when applying to join a whitelisted faction in order to circumvent the age limits (1.3) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I haven't played the server since November. My friend who is in the NHS told me to join but I was only 15. So he said I should lie about my age and just say I had taken over my brothers account. After that I made the application and tried to join the server with them and to only find out I had been banned. From this I went straight to see what I had been banned for and I went to TS. There I spoke to an admin and ask them why I was banned like what I said. While I was talking to them a staff member named Drew came along and started speaking with me. Being that I had just lied I had to continue my story(Basically getting myself in more shit which was stupid) I then spoke about how my brother had no time to play this and that I had taken over(Please note this was not to get out of the ban, this was simple to continue with my NHS Stuff). After that Drew said to me to give up or not. My second mistake is that I asked my friend what I should do. He said continue with your lie (as I did). Then after a few more words were exchanged I said I would try and sort something out. After that I went to bed. I spent 45mins looking over how much I messed up. I then decided the next day to confess to what I had done as it would be stupid not too. On the other matter for 1.3 and 2.8. One of them was someone stole my heli in greenzone so I just informed them I was going to report them for doing that in OOC. And the other one is where some guy kept following us so I said something I shouldn't have said in the heat of the moment.

Why should we unban you ?
I think I should be unbanned only because I think I have realised my mistakes in my actions and believe I have just made a big mistake. I also feel that in life sometimes you will make mistakes and that I think people should be forgiven. I have only ever had a select few warns. To an RDM by miscommunications and one where I was a stupid 13 year old. I think that now I'm 15 I have grown out some of those things. I also feel that no I have been banned I now know how much I miss not being able to play with people and have a fun time RPing. I also believe the one about the report could have been read more in context and that sometimes when youre in the heat of the moment you make bad decisions. But I can only learn from my mistakes and I truly believe that I have been made a better person because of this. I hope if you read this drew you understand my side of the story. I am also sorry to the people that I said the offensive stuff too and I hope this shows that i have learnt and am deserved of a second chance.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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12/04/2017 7:30 PM (Unknown) Snake23325 you are the definiton of cancer 
how did you think this was acceptable to say to someone? 
This one sentence is telling alot on how you behave. 
give me a good reason why i should not make this a 6month permanent ban? 
all what we have seen from you is toxic behaviour. And lying towards Staff. 

I do not think this is acceptable at all if I was thinking clearly and had my head on straight I can tell you this is something I would not normally be saying to someone as I think it is completely rude and if I was to be called this I know I would be offended and just think they must be childish. I think where I went wrong was that I sometimes have a out burst of anger where I cant seem to control myself but now this has happened I think I am definitely going to control myself and start thinking twice about what I have to say before I do it and I'm also going to make sure I think about every I do whether it be saying something to someone or doing something like lying. I think I just need to step back and make sure I am making the right decision which obviously I did not here. I do believe since I have had previous warning I believe I have not repeated to my knowledge. I had one RDM due to the fact of miscommunications and I haven't RDMed anyone since. I know when I first joined and I had only just brought my PC and I was 13-14 and I stupidly thought it was okay RP and  to be racist (which now I have grown up I know its completely out of order) and I have matured to know that doing that is wrong. I also don't think it shows about my behaviour because it just shows me when I am angry and when I'm not thinking straight. I have been playing for about 2-3 years now and I don't think I have ever said anything this bad before as normally people don't annoy me enough or I am able to keep my cool but this time I was a hot head and have been punished because of it and I think I should be unbanned as I feel I have learnt from this mistake and I wont be doing anything like this again.

(2.8) Threats to report: This is not okay as firstly when something happens everyone would be going around threatening people every time someone broke a rule. There Is also a system where you can ask them to come to TS instead of doing this.

(1.3) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay: This is in place to stop people being rude and immature. This is also an adult community and is taken very seriously and people don't want to have people swearing at them as it is really toxic and no one really wants to hear it or have time for it.

(1.9) Providing a false age when applying to join a whitelisted faction in order to circumvent the age limits: This is wrong because they only want people who are mature enough for this job and also if you're someone who lies on this you might also lie in other places and not be trusted. This stops people who shouldn't be doing it from doing It. Just like there Is an age limit for alcohol as it is bad for people underage. Again this is an adult community and you don't want people who haven't fully matured

You broke 3 rules, How can we trust you after breaking 3 rules. 
How can we be sure this will not happen again? 

I can assure you this will not happen again because just from having these few days without the server or not playing has made me think that i don't want to be banned again. I am doing this because my gang has started becoming more active now and I want to start joining them but unfortunately because of this I cant. I have been dying to play with them and this is why I don't want to get banned again as I don't want to have this again. I also wont break them again as now I have learnt what is bad about this and how I'm stupidly wrong and that how I made my mistakes and I have learnt from them to not do this again. I also try my best to make sure I'm following the rules but sometimes I make hiccups and bad judgements. But I am going to try my hardest to make sure I will NOT break any rules. I also believe I have put a lot of effort into my ban appeal. As I was appealing I looked at many others would had been appealing as I was interested and many only wrote a few lines. As I really want to be unbanned from these mistakes. I know I wont let you down and I will prove to you that I have learnt and I will not break any rules of this community/server.

Alright, i thought about your case. And took everything into consideration. 
i am gonna give you one more chance. take this with both hands. 
you will be on your last chance. next slip up even the smallest one. will result in you being permanent banned. 

Unbanned, Final Chance 24/01/2018

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