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Un-ban Appeal - STEVE TAYLOR - 04/02/18 (Denied)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Combat log

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
My friend and I were pulled over by police and as he was talking to them, I left the session.

Why should we unban you ?
Good evening.
I would like to be unbanned as my pc crashed, which it does frequently which may have been seen as combat log. I am very sorry about this and as it being my first ban, would request a warning. I fully understand the rules, yet in the case I did not know the severity of a ban. I try to play as fairly as possible. And really like the server and appreciate the time it takes for you to run it.
If it is possible I would like a warning and would strive not to make the same mistake again.
Thanks for your time

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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okey lets start this off. 
first off all. i am only gonna give you one chance to come clean with us. 
No lies! 

So you got banned for combatlog on 02/02/2018 
then on 06/02/2018 a other account with same ip and name connect for the first time on our server. 
after 27 minutes  playing, i saw this was not right so i banned the 2nd acount for ban evading. 
then you come with a story it was your son. i simply dont believe you at this point. 
i also checked the history of your "son" acount and he only connected to our server. 

So start explaining both acounts please. 

They are different claims, I will come clean with the first one, I did combat log as I was to busy to deal with the police at the time as I was having dinner. Which I’m and very sorry for but I couldn’t deal eijt it properly. The second ban was actualy my son playing on his account, however as we have the same computer and therefore the same IP address the two accounts mat have been seen as the same. I am very sorry for the confusion and take full responsibility for the original ban. I would really like a chance to make amends and as it is my first ban would like to be given a chance to rectify my mistake. Thanks 

The other account is my sons steam account and he had logged in to play arma on my pc with his own version. But for some reason when he logged into the server it set his profile up as a secondary one of mine. I am also talking for him here as he doesn’t have a role play account 

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Seriously not buying the "my sons account". You will need to provide evidence to us to prove that is indeed your sons account otherwise we will continue dealing with the ban evasion, this  can be done through teamspeak.

While you do that the combat logging -  we had multiple reports of you combat logging when the police would arrest you. You obviously know this was wrong yet kept doing it to avoid roleplay. Why would giving you another chance be worth it if we already know you will do bad things even when you know they are bad?

I will and I have never combat logged before, especially on purpose and I try to play to the best of my ability, cleanly and fairly. I promise this was a one off lapse of  concentration and would really love a second chance as I believe I can contribute to the community. 


Again, not believing this son story.  Why did your "son" decide to join only after you were banned?

As i reconvened he play it on his steam after me liking it so much and when I got banned he started playing on his account. They are different steam accounts.

Can we start again as I’m confused , we’re dealing with two different bans here. My sons and this one so can we talk on the separate bans please.

Your appeal was locked for bumping. That would in most circumstances send a fairly obvious message that this is against the unban appeal rules. It does state it in the rules which you've said you've read. Yet you've just bumped it again. The mind boggles!

Also I'm not buying the sons account either. Seems far too coincidental that you get banned and he suddenly decides to play Altis life on RPUK.

Appeal denied.

Get yourself, along with your son on to Team Speak and enter a staff support channel so we can speak with you both at the same time. Once that's done and confirmed, you can open a fresh appeal. Not before. 

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