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Un-ban Appeal - thomaswebster13 - 12/26/2016 (Unbanned)

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Tyrone Is Here

Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
"You Were Kicked Off The Game.(Battleye: Admin Kick (VDM - By ArrogantBread on 18/12/2016"

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
In my opinion The reason I think I was banned was for VDMing people and I can fully own Up to it and be honest that I did VDM a few people and they were not all intentional VDMs,
I do realise VDMing is annoying, stupid and obveasly against the rules, But I do try my best to keep everytyhing under good RP and if I was to VDM I do get out of my vehicle and apoligise within good RP.
My VDMs were not for trolling or to annoy people, most of them were complete accidents but I can completely own up to it and I need to concentrate more next time and think a bit more Because I dont really know why I did It, I dont know what was going through my head at the time I was stupid to have done it.

Why should we unban you ?
I think you should unban me from your great servers because Iam a dedicated RP player that likes nothing more than a great RP experience and great fun, and the reason I came to this Roleplay.co.uk is because my friends recommended it to me and Iam addicted to it I literally cannot come off.
Also I would just like to apoligize for any inconvenience I have created here and That most of my VDMs I did were not intentional and I hope a member of the team respects that because I hate trollers and I certainly do not want to associate myself with them.
But I Did go through the whole of the rules before I came onto the server and Iam very aware of what VDM is or Vehicle Deathmatch. And I know and I accept that Iam fully accountable for my actions here But I know not To do something as stupid as this again even though a few of them were accidents but that doesnt mean all my VDMs were.
I hope you accept that we all make mistakes but yes At the same time I was being a stupid Idiot and I dont know what was going through my head.
Another reason why I think you should Unban me is because I have spent over 97% of my arma 3 gametime on Altis Life UK (roleplay.co.uk) because I love RP and I always have and I also get very Immersed within the RP and spend long hours everyday enjoying myself and Iam upset to see myself with a ban but I do fully understand why you have banned me.
If I do see myself recieving an unban I shul be ALOT ALOT more careful and actually think a bit more next when driving my vehicle, this incident will not happen again :).
Also this is the first time ever to see my self with a ban on any arma 3 server but I can understand why and it is totally reasonable why the admin did it because I know that everybody hates VDMs but I hope you realise that I will not do this again and I will be alot more careful in the future and i will quit being stupid, although it was just a one time thing I do need to think a bit more but This is the only time I have done something bad like this on this server and I will simply Learn from this mistake of mine.

Thankyou for taking your time to reading this :)

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Yes sure, In my own Words The vdm Rule is:
Using your vehicle as an advantage or using It as a weapon so running people over to stop them walking anywhere or just generally running them over as a troll.
Or ramming/crashing other vehicles/players/entities or using it to blow things up or even blowing up the vehicle and causing explosions.

Also MRAPS vehicles can ram other MRAPS with Initiation unless Inside the RedZone, but they cannot Ram other MRAPS to kill passengers only to break the actual MRAP vehicle

Thats a VDM in my perspective.
Because I did go through the Rules a while back.
Thankyou for your time and replying to this :)

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This is a basic server rule. I can see you have taken the effort to understand the following rule in detail which is a start.

I'm willing to give you a chance, are you ready to follow the rules from here on out? @thomaswebster13

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