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Un-ban Appeal - TjayJefferies - 07/02/2017 (Unbanned 05/07/2017)

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Well-known member
In-game Name
(SOS) CPL.Teej

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Automatic in teamspeak

Reason given for your ban.
Changing name to hitler

The Server you initially were banned on.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I got banned for changing my name to hitler in teamspeak.

Why should we unban you ?
I think I should be unbanned because at the time I was in a gang meeting everyone was joking about and I took the joke way to far and changed my name to Hitler. Because we are having a crisis in our gang someone said we should just have Hitler as our leader ( Because he turned the German army to rubbish toward the end of the war) Then I changed my name as a joke saying I should be leader.
I didn't do it to try offend anyone.
I'm really sorry and will never do it again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

I need to say i pissed my pants because of this joke. 
Many people lost their lives in the time this person was ruling.
Did you thought about by the fact you could offend someone by using this name?  

I need to say i pissed my pants because of this joke. 
Many people lost their lives in the time this person was ruling.
Did you thought about by the fact you could offend someone by using this name?  
No I didn't think it would because I was gonna change it right back but now I realise jokes about things like this shouldn't be made period because someone could have been scrolling down in teamspeak and saw it.

Also what went through my head is no ones gonna see my name and I'll change it right back and plus it was over 80 years ago. 

Now I know it doesn't matter when it was and even if people aren't connected to it, it can still offend them and I'm truly sorry and never meant to offend anyone.

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how can we be sure, this will not happen again? 
It was a mistake messing around with my friends and it was a one off and I now do realise it could offend a lot of people in the TeamSpeak.

It was me just taking a joke to far and I will never take any joke of this type to far again better even I will never joke about sensitive topics again.

did you read our server and teamspeak rules? 
And if we unban you would be able to follow them? 

did you read our server and teamspeak rules? 
And if we unban you would be able to follow them? 
Yes I read the server rules but only read abit of the teamspeak rules because when I first joined I didn't use teamspeak and thought I never would have too (because I was solo then) 

However I have read the rules and asked other players and my gang about some that I didn't understand and now know them in and out. 

Also you can count on me to follow the rules from now on and never joke around.

Alright, i hope you don't let me regret my decision. 
I will unban you if you can give me your ts uid 

alright i recieved you tsuid, 

ANd you will be unbanned dont let this happen again. 

UNBANNED 05/07/2017

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