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Un-ban Appeal - Tuplajuusto - 07/03/2017 (Unbanned 07/07/2017)

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Papa John

Well-known member
none of your business kiddo
In-game Name
Papa John

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
SI Long Beard

Reason given for your ban.
Robbing in greenzone

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for robbing in greenzone. At the time when i held up and zip tied my victim i did not know that i was in greenzone. (i was 5m deep in gz) I would've gotten out with a warning as clearly this was a mistake and i was able to compensate the damage, but i had a history with six bans so that is why i was banned for a longer period of time.

Why should we unban you ?
I have learned alot from my ban as i couldn't play with my friends. I always try to play by the book but mistakes happened. If i make a mistake i always try to compensate the victim. I now have a better knowledge how to maintain good roleplay experience for everyone. This server is the only server I can manage to find which sustains high quality roleplay which has made me even more regretful of my mistake as I envy those who are able to play it at this very moment. I take full responsibility for my actions and i would like to thank you for taking the time to read this and I truly hope you can see that I am an honest guy and I know that I can offer a lot more to this community.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Last unban appeal you promised you would not let us down. 
1 month of being unbanned you are here again. 
Why would believe you this time? 

I was banned for Robbing in greenzone and at the time i did not know that i was in greenzone. My ban could've easily been avoided if the man said // this is greenzone, check your map. When i got banned i had no idea what was it all about. After i haven't been able to play RPUK for 2.5 months i have learned to be more careful in the future. I broke the rules and i have been punished from it. During the time i have been banned i envied my friends who were able to play RPUK. If the staff members make a positive solution for me, i will return being more careful with the rules and as a better roleplayer. Thank you for your time reading this.

I have learned to be more careful with the rules. I value more having access to RPUK and learned not to take it for granted. I have a different mindset for whats quality roleplay.


RDM, Fail RP, Racist name and now Robbing in Greenzone. Now for someone who values having access to the server, you have taken it and the rules for granted. For someone who has been here long enough to rack up that track record without having already got a permanent ban should be well aware that the greenzone is off limits and where the greenzones are, this just speaks to a lack of awareness and a mindset of the next robbery, rather than interaction.

Everytime you have stated you have read the rules and still trip at the most basic of hurdles, however I am not unfair.  I'm tempted to take a risk however there will be one condition

1. You agree that any rulebreak within the next 2 months is punishable by a permanent ban.

Please reply that you agree to this condition

I agree with the condition that the next rulebreak in the next 2 months in punishable by a permament ban.

(rasist name was a trigger from the server, was not on purpose.)

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