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Un-ban Appeal - warriorrim - 10/07/2016

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Restraint Glitching

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I think i was banned because i ejected from a police vehicle while handcuffed and broke a rule called "Restraint Glitching".

Why should we unban you ?
Permission to Re appeal given by DainMK.

I was banned from this server for restraint glitching, i sincerely apologise for breaking this rule as i was totally unaware that this was an actual rule and that this was something that i could not do. I was simple still initiating role play in the way that i was trying to escape from the police as the vehicle was unlocked,

I promise you now that i know that this is against what this beautiful game is about that i will never do this again, i love this game and all it has to offer and i ask you to please reconsider unbanning me. I play everynight with my gang and we love every single minute on this game and i beg of you to please allow me to roam altis once more with them, we roleplay to a high standard and believe that we bring alot to the server and to the enjoyment of others.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Kind Regards


Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

i understand that the rule is not fully in there so it seems it was missed out in the last rules change,so ill be unbanning on this, please keep the other rules in mind though

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