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Un-ban Please Gone Wrong!

Hello, Okay so what happened is that i was doing oil with my friends and then cops come to us says to my freind ''we saw you holding ilegal firearm'', then me and 1 more freind was hiding we told the cops to leave him alone or you will get shot, they didn't listen to us so we shot them, then a civilian came behind me and shot me for no reason, then my freind killed him, then the same guy was speaking on the sidechat that we RDMed him, then i got very angry and i sweared on him in sidechat because he blamed it on my friend that he RDM him, then after that i organized that i sweared on him on sidechat, after i calmed down i was going to tell him that am sorry i sweared on you because i was mad but i got banned direclty.

that is all the story about i hope i get unbanned and i promise i will control my self and will not do it again.!

Best Regards to all the staff members : Leader :)

Hey bud, looks like you've posted this in the wrong spot. To appeal for an unban you need to use this form posted by Wilco. It might also be an idea to read the rules so you can figure out which rules you broke and how you broke them. 

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