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Unban Appeal - alanos76 - GTA RP

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12°22’13.32″N, 23°19’20.18″E
Unban Appeal for alanos76 

In-game Name: Andrew Davidson

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198261595786

Ban ID: !!rpuk13302!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Originally joined the server 2years ago which meant I was 16 at the time.

Why should we unban you ?: So firstly, I am grown since 23rd of april. Although I do understand I guess why I got banned because of the applications to the police where I stated to be 18 and I joined 2 years ago. But then I don't get why you should punish someone for something that's long gone and I meet the age restriction since april. All I got to say really, I'm very sorry for breaking that one rule but until now being a good citizen - dont know why that dont even matter cause I'd understand if I would be on some childish shit but no. I can't even say I won't do it again because I'm grown, very sorry still.

If there'd be a chance this would be looked at mildly resulting in a pass, I'd be very appreciative since well haven't done nothing wrong to no one and always been very kind to everyone. And my bad for trying to join Police, won't do it again, y'all can have it, can't be as cool as you.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

But then I don't get why you should punish someone for something that's long gone and I meet the age restriction since april.
Because C1.9 states that you have lied about your age in order to get your application through to a faction.

Resubmit a new appeal with better effort.

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