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Unban Appeal - alanos76 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for alanos76 

In-game Name: Andrew Davidson

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198261595786

Ban ID: !!rpuk13302!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: "Because C1.9 states that you have lied about your age in order to get your application through to a faction."

Why should we unban you ?: I am writing this appeal to express my sincere apologies for providing false information about my age during the application process. And to respectfully request an opportunity to be unbanned from RPUK.

I deeply regret my actions and fully understand the negative impact it couldve had on the reputation and integrity of the server/faction. I acknowledge and appreciate the significance of honesty and fair play within the gaming community. Please believe me when I say that I have truly learned from this experience and will never engage in such deceitful behavior again.

Being a part of the RPUK community brought me great joy and I genuinely miss it. It would mean a lot to me if you could give me a second chance to contribute positively.

Thank you very much for taking my appeal into consideration and pointing out that I've misread rule C1.9. Once again. I offer my sincerest apologies for my actions and assure you that I am fully committed to adhering to the rules and values of RPUK as an adult from now on. If granted this opportunity.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Who….or should I say, what helped you write this appeal?

Now in fact I did use small inspiration, for the fact I'm not a native english speaker and cannot always pass the exact message I have in thought. Though everything that's written I genuinely mean and as said would highly appreciate a second chance to continue with only positivity as I been doing, and so on.

Negative. That'd be lame af, I just looked up some straight deepl translations and changed some basic words into more polite ones and adjusted the sentence so it'd fit good. Only because I care, and well not come of as disrespectful by just getting something from GPT that doesnt make sense

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Hello there @alanos76
It would be lame af indeed to use a template or chatgpt.

Please answer this in your own words, no templates, no deepl,  no chatgpt. 
If we find any plagiarism we will decline and put this appeal on a week cooldown.

Why should we unban you ?

Right, my apologies for that I have been busy with home stuff and forgot this was still awaiting.

So in my own honest words, I would like to say I'm very sorry for the inconvenience that this is causing towards the staff as this appeal is already taking ages and I'm very appreciative I get yet another chance to explain myself.

Then I apologize for lying about my age when applying to a whitelisted faction, but if I can explain myself. The only reason why I've commited such a stupidity is because I was just a couple months off my 18th bday in april and so I thought it wouldn't hurt nobody since I haven't really encountered no other issues with no one on the server, and always held a fair amount of maturity. My only idea why I'm banned now would be because I've applied for something before my 18th. So I am very sorry of this whole happening as I enjoy the server very much since my very beginning and would find it just a bit annoying not being able to speak to all the people who I've met and also cannot be bothered to find new since well, this one stands out the most.

Lastly, now that I'm more than 3 months ago grown don't see why I should still get dragged yet I've definitly learned from being banned over something stupid and will not ever risk being here again by continuing to be a good citizen if given the chance to do so. Again thank you for taking this through and having patience, I'm kindly asking to hopefully be able to come back and continue with a positive note.

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Hello there @alanos76

Unfortunately you have done the one thing that will go down very badly with any staff member in this community: You lied. We have lost trust in the words you say the very moment you decided to lie on those applications and there is not much you can do to rectify this. 

I currently do not feel comfortable unbanning you, thus you will receive a 6 month cooldown and we will have another look at this after 16/01/2024, should you choose to appeal again then.

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