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Unban Appeal - Ashley Korvar - GTA RP

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Ashley Korvar

United Kingdom
Unban Appeal for Ashley Korvar 

In-game Name: Ashley Korvar

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 7656119822

Ban ID: !!rpuk6700!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I mean this from the absolute bottom of my heart, I have no idea why I was banned. I'm being accused of being untruthful but I have genuinely said nothing but the truth. I really have no reason to lie at this point, do I? I can walk you through my whole time of playing before I got banned. I have read the rules and I know for a fact that I never transferred any money unless it was my cash being deposited into my bank account. I have been confused for days now trying to figure out what could have happened. Not only am I banned for something that I know I didn't do but I was also perma-banned on my first offence? In the community rules it states the 4th ban is the ban that requires an appeal but this is my first ban and I'm perma-banned? After stating my situation on my first appeal I was met with being immediately denied and unable to even explain myself. I understand that they're may be a lot of people who lie to get what they want but I'm telling the truth and will do anything I can to prove that. If possible, I would prefer to speak with someone either on teamspeak or discord to get to the bottom of this. Whether that's me staying banned for something I didn't do or we can finally figure this out together. I really have no idea what happened and would like to talk about this.

Why should we unban you ?: I really feel like the ban was messed up or something. I was told that I was not falsely banned but I don't know what else this could be when all I've done is taxi driving and apply for the NHS. I have had no previous offences and have genuinely been nothing but honest. I haven't done anything bad in the server and am nice to every single person I meet. I can and will do whatever I can to prove this to the staff. I am telling the truth.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I assure you the ban was not messed up. 

Have a look at what rule G2.9 means, have a think about it hen come back to us. 

Only way out of this is being honest. "I don't know why I was banned" isn't going to cut it. 

I have re-read it multiple times and I can assure you I have no idea why I was banned. I am being honest. I really don’t know what happened. I feel at a loss at this point because I have to defend myself over something I have no idea about. I cannot stress enough that I’m telling nothing but the truth. I can walk you through the events of the night before and day of me getting banned if you’d like, but I swear to you that I’m not lying and I genuinely don’t know what happened. G2.9 states that transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method. I have no idea how to even do that let alone any need or want to do that. All I have done, like I previously stated, is taxi driving and apply for the NHS. That is literally it. It also states in the community rules that a first offence is a 24hr ban but I was immediately set on a permanent ban? Can I have any more information on what happened because like I said I feel like I’m at a loss. I understand you said “I don’t know why I was banned” isn’t going to cut it but I don’t even know what else to say because I have no idea how this happened. I really am sorry but I don’t know what else I can say here. 

Alright then, well... 

There's nothing more I can do for you here. You wasn't banned for no reason, you were banned because you broke rule G2.9 - If you decide to tell the truth feel free to open another appeal. 


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