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Unban Appeal - BasicalyIKEA - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for BasicalyIKEA 

In-game Name: Tony Tero

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199020294816

Ban ID: RPUK#5330

Reason given for your ban: G2.4 Value of life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I have no explanation, I always value my life while playing, I was on 1 hour before 4pm on Monday 16th august and I tried loading back on and all of a sudden I have a ban, I was driving around obviously but I always put my belt on when I drive and lock my door, I always make sure I'm safe while doing anything and try avoid any negative confrontations from anyone, and if I'm in any confrontations I always compromise and follow the lead of anyone considering I don't want to die

Why should we unban you ?: Well I always value my life and it was obviously a false ban for something I haven't done and if it isn't a false ban I want to know why I was banned, because I always value my life, I try my best to always do my best when it comes to RP and I always will, I would never do anything that could get me banned, It just doesn't make sense to me and anyone who has put my life in danger I've always compromised to make sure my life is saved and I'm kept alive at all costs, I have never put anyone else's life in danger either, I have always tried to keep away from danger and prevent anything bad from happening

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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