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Unban Appeal - BasicalyIKEA - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for BasicalyIKEA 

In-game Name: Tony Tero

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199020294816

Ban ID: !!rpuk5867!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Previous to my last to appeals, Saying the N-Word, Now I 100% own up to the words that were said, I'm not here to make excuses never was to start with, I also have no explanation to why these word came out my mouth, I was also in my first appeal never shifting blame towards the other guy, I was just covering things he said, Now I will admit, this was my first proper server and I grew to like this server very quick everyone was nice and never had any major problems with anyone, got along with most people in fact, and I do regret everything I said on the day of the event, I even wish I could relive that exact moment and do it all differently and go over that situation again and have resolved the situation like a proper person not a child, Like I have also said previously, I do understand this is a serious topic, and as much as it might have not seemed it in my last appeals, I'm 100% genuine and I apologize for the word I said

Why should we unban you ?: As much as it seems like I don't care in my last appeals, I 100% do, like I covered above, this was my first proper server, I've obviously been in others but talking in that fact this was the one I stayed on the longest and actually enjoyed it, but 100% I like this server and genuinly would do anything come back

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @BasicalyIKEA,

Like said before, we do not take discrimination likely here.

You submitted a second unban appeal about two weeks ago, where you got told that there is no chance to comeback due to the severity of the rule you broke and what was said by yourself.

I am going to stick with the descision made by Charles & Louis who were dealing your last two unban appeals.

I will decline this unban appeal and you can try again once your 6 months are up from your original ban date. (04/04/2022)

Denied (can re-appeal 04/04/2022)

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