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Unban Appeal - BlueTopMilk - Discord

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
64 Zoo Lane
Unban Appeal for BlueTopMilk 

In-game Name: Gilly Bilmour

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561198170012950

Ban ID: N/A

Reason given for your ban: I was banned due to a inapropiate comment i made on the discord

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned from the discord due to my innaporiate comments towards The Queens death on the 8/9/22 in the community discord channel.

Why should we unban you ?: I strongly belive i should be unbanned as i reliased straight away that my comments were unaccpeted as soon as i made the comment i tried to delete it but it was to late, the comment i made at the time was bang out of order and i own up fully to my mistakes i there was no intention to offend or hurt anyone, I appoligse if i do and that was not the intention that i meant to bring.

There was no thought process behind the comment but as soon as the comment was made i knew istnatly it was wrong and i tried deleting the comment straight away but a staff member banned me straight away i tried reaching out to the staff member who banned me to appolise to him but there was hardly a reply only a few rude comments my way.

Leading up to my ban i put multiple hours into the server and there was a time where i stopped for a while but before the ban i was really getting back into making a new character which i was really enjoying and pushing out good rp on which got credit from alot of staff memebrs as it was unuiqe RP that they had never seen before wich was really motavitng for me to do and i was really enjoying making the rp so others could enjoy ive spent over 1 year on the server and this is my first major rule break in a year since my first one when i was fresh to the server ive grown as a person and as a member of the community meeting new people, Im pretty active in the community still i still watch peoples streams and come on the fourms to see whats going on and stuff wich goes to show how much i enjoy the server and want to come back.

I understand my comment was uncalled for at the time but i feel as it was a harsh punishment as others recived time outs for comments kinda simillar to mine there was no warning no kick no temp ban just straight ban no words said i understand the staff decision but i fell it was harsh as other people made comments about it aswell they got unbanned/Warned as i felt as if they were "Big Names" and i dont fell as if it was dealt as fairly as possible

If given the 2nd chance i can assure you this will not happen againd and you will not see me on the fourms ever again making an appeal to be unbanned i know the what the server staff expect and this was just a little slip up from my self

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Gilly Bilmour

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there. 

Why exactly did you decide to make that comment? And why do you think people reacted the way they did?

Good Aftertoon Sammy

Thank you for your response 

I made the comment to try get a reaction and some attention but it severaly back fired and i like i say again im not proud of the comment it was more of a do before you think type comment there was no malicious intent in the comment that was made and i appologise to anyone who did take offense in the comment and it does not represent me as a person.

I can see why people reacted in the way the did with the ban from staff i totally get it and i know it may have hurt or offended a few people wich i sincerly appoligse about, but i do feel that the punishement was a bit harsh and that there was no warning or even a temp ban it was straight banned but i respect and understand the staff members decision that was made at the time as i feel they were dealing with alot of fools at the time and didnt want that kinda stuff in the community.

Thank you for taking the time to read this

Have a nice day 


You thought the punishment was a bit harsh for someone who made a comment regarding the death of The Queen where a lot of people were grieving?

Hello Liam 

Thank you for your response 

I worded it wrong i do appologise i felt i was treated harshly as there were multiple people who made comments or gestures towards the same subject as me and i feel i was dealt the short straw with my perma ban but i respect the decision that was made and i own up to my mistake and have learned from them that it wasnt right to make the comment at all but personally from people i know who made the comments have been let away with slap on the wrist, but like i say i respect the descion and totally understand the decision made.

Thank you for your reply 


I would think before i speak next time, don't you think?
A tad bit of respect gets you a long way these days.. see if you can have this in the future.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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