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Unban Appeal - bm7t - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for bm7t 

In-game Name: Thomas Hare

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198144507232

Ban ID: !!rpuk10911!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was kidnapped by 229 after they spotted me out of colours at pillbox. 3 cars pulled up on me and they proceeded to point guns at me, I valued my life and listened to them. They then ziptied me and took me to a random parking lot in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't be able to find this parking lot if I was simply driving around, it's just a very secluded spot. After some conversation and a sketchy "roleplay reason" for killing me, they left me in the parking lot and drove off. I was laying there for approximately 5-10 minutes, I was waiting to see if they'd come back and pick me up so they can possibly dump me or continue the roleplay. After waiting I decided it was too late, I had to wake up early the next day, this may not be a reasonable excuse but it was definitely one of the reasons I got off. I do understand that in principles it is a rule break, I was downed and instead of waiting 30 minutes for nothing to happen, I logged off, but it does seem a little weird that an admin was simply looking through the logs, if there was no report then I don't see the reason for why I was actually banned.

Why should we unban you ?: I know that technically what I've done does fall under combat logging, and I genuinely know that it was a stupid mistake but it was completely out of roleplay. Initially I wasn't really provided with very good roleplay which isn't something I want to complain about, but there wasn't really any roleplay from after my death. 229 left me in a parking garage in the middle of nowhere after stripping me off of my phone and radio so I couldn't even call for the NHS and continue the roleplay. The most sane response to this scenario would be to log off for the night (as it was approaching a late hour), and try to see if it will continue off of where it left off. The fact that the ban wasn't even due to a player report shows that I didn't interrupt anyone's roleplay and therefore it wasn't truly combat logging. I know I've been banned before but I do really try to avoid breaking any rules, and the last ban was years ago, when I was a lot younger and stupider. To summarise, I don't believe I broke any rules with the "combat log", if anything it may look like it on the logs but without knowing the full scenario there's no real way of knowing. Yes I've been banned before for a huge offence against the server, since then I've learned from my mistakes due to it occurring years ago, so although I may deserve another perma ban for a rule break, I don't think I should've been banned in the first place as I don't think I've broken any rules.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You still say you don’t believe what you did was combat logging, but logging off whilst dead is still combat logging. No matter if that is your opinion of the rule, that is what it is sadly and if you can’t understand that, I don’t see a reason as to why we should unban you..

I clearly said it was a stupid mistake, I know I did something wrong I just think I wasn't banned for the right reason which shouldn't matter because I'm still admitting that I broke a rule. The fact that I'm saying I wasn't banned from a report is just some due diligence on my behalf, it's sort of unfair because you caught it since it was me dealing with your gang at the time, but combat logging happens all the time and there are people who get away with it. I definitely did combat log looking back on the situation, I just feel like the severity of the combat log wasn't to the point where I destroyed anyone's experience of the server, it isn't as severe as other rule breaks which warrant perma bans such as RDM.

it's sort of unfair because you caught it since it was me dealing with your gang at the time.
I’m not sure why you keep insinuating it was me who banned you, it wasn’t.

People may combat log all the time and go unnoticed by staff, but it’s still a rule break nevertheless. 

Quote the rule you broke, explain it in your own words and explain why we have this in place 

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(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).
In my own words I'd say you just shouldn't leave the game while in an active roleplay situation. You have this in place so that roleplay can continue without being disrupted and people in gunfights and current scenarios can't make a loss.

In all fairness, although this is just an excuse, there is no possible way the roleplay could've continued unless you think of an extremely farfetched situation.

I already admitted that it was combat logging and it was a rule break, fine. As I said in my previous reply, the severity of the combat log I did wasn't that deep, I'll reiterate one more time that I understand I broke a rule, however waiting for a half hour timer or whatever it is late at night is just unrealistic if I deem that there's nothing I can do to really carry on the rp. Roleplay isn't a job, it's a pastime for the average person on here, waiting half an hour for a slightly valid reason instead of sleeping or doing something productive in life (?) is far fetched for the average human. This is just a game after all. I'll say it again, I know I combat logged and I know any combat log is a perma ban, but you can get your head around the fact that I didn't cause distress to anyone.

You are right, Roleplay isn't a job however as many communities for all games there are rules to follow. 

there is no possible way the roleplay could've continued unless you think of an extremely farfetched situation
You left the server around 1 minute after being shot. There is many things that may have happened however due to you leaving overall we will never know.

but you can get your head around the fact that I didn't cause distress to anyone
Is this an attempt to try and be rude? Since I will say this outright I don't think this is a path you may want to go down. Now lets ask this question based on what you are saying here. After being shot you had to leave then correct? Why was it only at this time you had to leave and not prior to this happening? 

You left the server around 1 minute after being shot. There is many things that may have happened however due to you leaving overall we will never know.
the location where my body was dumped was extremely hard to access and prior to being taken here I've never stumbled upon this area before, not even in gta online, I made a rash assumption that nothing would've happened since it's in the middle of nowhere.

Is this an attempt to try and be rude?
No I genuinely just said you can get your head around it, meaning you can understand it, i dont see how it was rude.

After being shot you had to leave then correct? Why was it only at this time you had to leave and not prior to this happening? 
I didn't say I had to leave, I just said that I can actually be productive in my life instead of waiting for a timer, this isn't meant to be taken in a rude way. If it was at an earlier hour I might've waited for the respawn timer, but in all honesty I doubt anyone could've found me, I doubt nhs would've come for me since npcs weren't hearing me when I was doing the 'Shout for help' thing. I've never once been to the area that they left my body.

Leaving the server, 1 minute after you were shot could have closed a lot of doors for Roleplay. For example;

  1. Police could've shown up to shots fired, and gave you further RP. Could've set up some nice raids on 229.
  2. NHS could've shown up, and could've been given High Quality Roleplay and following from the above point of letting the cops know.
  3. 229 could've returned, and engaged in further roleplay with you.

But by you disconnecting from the server, you've stopped all of that. Whilst yes, it may have been late but you should've thought about getting into any possible RP situations late at night and tired.

Going off of an example of my own, if its getting late. I wont get into police chases, expose myself to the other gang that I am fighting in case it kicks off and I am stuck within RP for hours.

Now it begs the question, if this happens in the future whereas you're downed, its late and you're tired. Are you just going to log off instantly too? You're probably going to say that you wont log off until you respawn but thats not the answer that I am looking for as everyone does this same answer when given this line of questioning. I'd like some detail as what you would do in the future.

Going off of an example of my own, if its getting late. I wont get into police chases, expose myself to the other gang that I am fighting in case it kicks off and I am stuck within RP for hours.
The way I got into the situation was quite unlucky as I was genuinely about to log off but then 229 pulled up to me at the hospital and kidnapped me, a bit of an excuse but that's why I didn't log off right before this happened, I was going to.

Now it begs the question, if this happens in the future whereas you're downed, its late and you're tired. Are you just going to log off instantly too?
I'm in a different situation in my life right now, I have a lot more free time than I did when I got banned, and therefore I wouldn't mind staying up to wait out the timer and more than likely I'll end up playing after the timer. Most the time I also wait till even after the respawn timer, sometimes till the end of the bleed out timer on the off-chance that someone does find me.

You're probably going to say that you wont log off until you respawn but thats not the answer that I am looking for as everyone does this same answer when given this line of questioning. I'd like some detail as what you would do in the future.
I don't understand what you're tryna do here either, the most sensical answer to me is to just wait till after I respawn or bleed out to log out, but you expect something else from players and I won't really know what you're referring to unless you tell me. Don't mean to sound rude

I don't understand what you're tryna do here either, the most sensical answer to me is to just wait till after I respawn or bleed out to log out, but you expect something else from players and I won't really know what you're referring to unless you tell me. Don't mean to sound rude
I was enquiring into more detail as to what you were going to do.

You kind of went into it here 

I'm in a different situation in my life right now, I have a lot more free time than I did when I got banned, and therefore I wouldn't mind staying up to wait out the timer and more than likely I'll end up playing after the timer. Most the time I also wait till even after the respawn timer, sometimes till the end of the bleed out timer on the off-chance that someone does find me.

Are you aware that C2.3 bans come with a wipe of your characters inventory. If so, do you agree?

If it's my character's current inventory that's no problem yeah, as I understand it would've been void anyway

Of course, the character which was used whilst Combat Logging.

I have wiped your characters inventory, please don't make the same mistake again. It really isn't worth it, no matter what..


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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