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Unban Appeal - Broccolii - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Broccolii 

In-game Name: Mike Terminator

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198045561680

Ban ID: !!rpuk9043!!

Reason given for your ban: Quick seling

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: For a brief period i was told by someone on how to quick sell ie animation caneling. This was an exploit i used a couple of times and wish i never. i knew it was wrong and i know i shouldnt have done it as its abusing a game bug.

Why should we unban you ?: I have built quite the friendship with alot of people in the server and the community. i feel like i bring decent RP to the server aswell. i have spent alot of time and work in building my character (Broccoli) up and would love to continue playing in such a great community. if i get unbanned i will not break any rules as this is the first offence. i know my actions Were wrong and i understand that it is very early to even make a ban appeal. since joining RPUK I have built such a better RP standard and i enjoy doing anyhting from shootouts to racing to just having a general laugh with people. I understand its alot to ask to even be unbanned but i would hate to not try and get back in to such a good community

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @Broccolii

Not only did you abuse this for your own gain, you also neglected reporting it to the staff team which in result, could've had a very significant negative impact on the server economy...

I'm going to need a bit more convincing before considering you for an unban I'm afraid. As of such, here's what will happen.

- You will remain banned for another month without the ability to appeal (18/07/2022).
- Your characters will be wiped. This includes, but not limited to: Cars, Money, Inventory, Houses, Storage Units etc.
                        [Your character will still be 'Broccoli' for all RP purposes, and remember all his RP situations etc]

While I appreciate your honesty with us, Broccoli - this is taken into consideration regarding the above.

-You may appeal on the 18th of July. Any attempts prior to this will be closed and denied without a response. 


Note that under no circumstances is this any guarantee of you being unbanned past the given date, and may very well be extended further should you fail to include details of significance in your appeals.

Thanks for letting me keep broccoli as he is and i understand the severity of my actions. i am sorry for what I've done and if i have affected the server or community in anyway 

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